Impacts and Implications of the FY16 Budget
Each year, the President is required to submit to Congress the Administration’s budget request for the fiscal year beginning in October. That budget, once approved, sets the tone and tenor for the following year and determines where Federal dollars will be spent, by which agencies, and in support of which programs and priorities. Hanging in the balance are the fate of grant programs, educational support, housing, roads and infrastructure...
March 10, 2015
Subcontract Management From A to Z
This seminar presents subcontract management in the U.S. federal government environment. Subcontract management under a government prime contract is a hybrid between the company’s commercial subcontracting requirements and the federal government subcontracting requirements. This seminar is unique in its focus on the topics that make subcontract management different under a prime government contract. The seminar covers 32 essential subco...
Subcontract Management From A to Z
This seminar presents subcontract management in the U.S. federal government environment. Subcontract management under a government prime contract is a hybrid between the company’s commercial subcontracting requirements and the federal government subcontracting requirements. This seminar is unique in its focus on the topics that make subcontract management different under a prime government contract. The seminar covers 32 essential subco...
Introduction to Integrated Project Team...
Introduction to Integrated Project Teams (IPTs) and Charters Webinar This webinar is designed to provide the participant with a two hour overview of the current requirements for Integrated Project Teams (IPTs) and Charters. The most recent version of this information and guidance included updates derived from the OMB Circular No. A-11 dated July 25, 2014 and it's companion supplement, the Capital Programming Guide. This webinar emphasizing kno...
NTSB Investigations: What Legal Profess...
Day 1: NTSB Investigations: What Legal Professionals Need to Know This session provides legal professionals with foundational knowledge needed to advise clients about the statutory framework that defines NTSB investigations, and the regulations, rules and practices NTSB follows in conducting its investigations. Presentations will also provide key information about what NTSB investigators consider important in critical phases of an investigatio...
Predictive Analytics & Data Mining Cour...
LEARN WHAT MANAGERS & PRACTITIONERS REALLY NEEDTO KNOW ABOUT PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS & DATA MINING Get up to speed in data mining faster and more effectively than with any other training program available. Leverage highly valuable and impactful prospective insight from within your existing data through an intensive course series with over 20 years of innovation.If you want to learn what really works in predictive modeling and why you shou...
Bid Protests 101: Refresher on Protest...
The latest GAO report on bid protests shows they are on the rise again. If you're a government contractor, it's not a question of "if" you're going to be involved with a bid protest but rather a question of "when." Bid protests have tight timeframes, restrictions on distribution of information and unique adjudicatory standards. Participants will learn about: The different types of timeframes involved for filing a bid protest; What a protective...
Meet Your 2015 FISMA Requirements Train...
Meet Your 2015 FISMA Requirements: 2015 Metrics, Evolving Continuous Authorization Capabilities, Cybersecurity Calendar, and RMF Tool You can successfully and effectively meet your FY2015 FISMA requirements by understanding the FISMA Trends, Rising Needs and Solutions and creating your own management tools. These are what this course is about. Individuals who took our FISMA courses in the past three years will find this course evolved with the...
A Practical Guide to the Incurred Cost...
Who should attend: CFOs, Directors, Managers in functional areas of Contract Administration, Accounting, Finance, Compliance and Consulting. Any organization who are required to submit their incurred costs to the Federal Government What you will learn: What contractors must know about the Incurred Cost Submission ICS, including analysis of ICS Model Schedules, Contract Costs, and Rate Structures. A step-by-step guide to the preparation and fil...
SC Congress London - 2015
On 3 March 2015, SC Congress will return to London. Register for our free, live event for IT professionals concerned with all aspects of data security. Brought to you by SC Magazine, the leader in IT security information. You will not want to miss out! Mobile safeguards, insider threats, privacy, cloud security, UK cyber criminals… A free, live conference and expo for IT professionals concerned with all aspects of data security. Brought...
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