Unrelated Business Income Tax
Don't let your unrelated business income result in noncompliance. Determine what income is subject to UBI Tax with certainty. The Internal Revenue Service has become more sophisticated and active in the arena of unrelated business income tax. The result of noncompliance can be disastrous in terms of revenue and reputational loss to the organization. The IRS has the ability to assess penalties, sanctions and even revoke the nonprofit status of...
Leaders or Feeders: What Governments Ca...
Learn Methods Used Across the Country to Help Support Small Business Growth Government officials and elected leaders are facing intense pressure to demonstrate job growth, but conventional big business recruitment efforts involve large budget and staff time commitments - and seldom pay off. Governments are increasingly seeing a need to focus economic development efforts on small business growth, but they soon discover that the same methods can...
Utilizing Bonds to Finance Public Projects
Learn the types of financing available in the tax-exempt market, mechanics of tax-exempt financing and legal and securities law issues to consider. This live webinar will focus on when and how a governmental entity might consider tax-exempt financing including public/private partnerships. You will learn the types of financings available in the tax-exempt market and the roles of the various professionals involved in the transaction. You will l...
Nonprofit Accounting for Contributions...
What are your Intentions? Earn the trust of your donors and supporters through reporting transparency and accountability. In this day and age, it is essential for nonprofit professionals to have a basic understanding of accounting as it relates to contributions and pledges. The knowledge gained from this live webinar will help you to account for every dollar taken in, and to report accurately and completely on how each is used. By preserving...
29th Annual Federal Dispute Resolution...
For nearly three decades, FDR has given thousands of federal practitioners the guidance and best practices needed to help reduce workplace conflict, avoid costly claims and better manage their staff. That’s because FDR relies heavily on its own Advisory Board, composed of many seasoned agency practitioners – your colleagues. Each year, the Board works together to identify the current challenges being faced in the federal workplace,...
July 14-17, 2014
LRP/cyberFEDS® Location:
San Francisco, CA
Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
Understand the latest updates to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, including strategies to monetize the tax credits. The Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (HTC) has grown into a key financing tool for economic development, historic preservation and neighborhood revitalization. Combined in many areas with available state historic rehabilitation tax credits, HTCs have been used to rehabilitate historic city centers, theat...
Advanced Threats: Attacking Vulnerabili...
Cybersecurity is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation, but one that we as a government and as a country are not adequately prepared to counter. Spurred by the Administration, government is charging ahead to establish a front line of defense against today's immediate threats by creating or enhancing shared situation awareness of network vulnerabilities, threats, and events within the Federal gove...
July 16, 2014
AGA Professional Development Training
Held in July each year, AGA's annual premier education event offers up to 24 CPE hours and brings together the top officials in federal, state and local government as well as academia and the private sector for three and a half days of intensive training and networking. AGA's PDT has been the go-to event for the government accountability community for more than 60 years.Reasons Why You Should Attend: Earn up to 24 CPE Hours
Enhance your...
On-Boarding and Retaining New and Exper...
Overview of the Workshop: Hiring federal employees was never an easy process, and so it is especially frustrating to both line managers and HR offices when a new hire leaves after a year or even sooner. In today’s budget environment, with hard or soft hiring freezes, and early out and buyouts becoming ever more common, it is especially important that once a job offer has been accepted that the agency be able to retain the new hire for a...
NEPA: Understanding the Basics
Get practical advice to avoid common mistakes so that you can prepare useful and legally compliant NEPA documents. Since 1970, the National Environmental Policy Act has been the cornerstone for environmental protection in the United States. To implement NEPA, federal agencies must prepare environmental impact statements or environmental assessments to study the impacts of their proposed actions. Unfortunately, some federal agencies, their con...
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