Public Records and Open Meetings in Wisconsin
Stay up-to-date with the current legislative issues impacting public records and open meetings. Find out what Wisconsin law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on rec...
Lessons Learned: Delivering on Complex...
The Federal government has complex information technology needs, impacted by policy, culture, budget and other non-technology factors. These add a unique set of challenges to the development of major IT projects. Media and government watchdogs focus on struggling projects, but significant improvements in citizen services and efficiency in government has resulted from innovative technology programs, managed well and on time. Project management,...
March 13, 2014
AFFIRM Location:
Washington, DC
Singapore US Export Controls on Non-US...
FOR COMPANIES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES EAR & OFAC U.S. Commercial & Military Export Controls & Embargoes/ITAR U.S. Defense Trade Controls Seminar Series For Non-U.S. Companies: Mastering Reformed U.S. Export Controls under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Office of Foreign Assets Controls (OFAC) regulations. EAR & OFAC U.S. Controls & Embargoes SEM...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regula...
Discover techniques to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You'll find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement proc...
Form 990 and Unrelated Business Income:...
With renewed emphasis on the Form 990 due to IRS audit activity, this live webinar will go through the high exposure areas of the core Form 990 and schedules, detail important changes and updates for 2013, and provide tips on completing the core form and schedules in an accurate, informative and concise manner. Additionally, the program will make use of a case study approach to examine the core elements of UBI and recent developments in IRS U...
9 Experts from Crowell and Moring Cover...
On March 12, 2014, the National Contract Management Association Free State Chapter is hosting an educational program you won’t want to miss. Nine experts from Crowell & Moring LLP will cover four vitally important topics: 1. Counterfeit Parts Under the Microscope: Is Your Company Ready for New DoD Regulations? 2. Introduction to Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Learning How to Spot, Avoid and Resolve a Serious Procurement Pitfal...
Public Records and Open Meetings in Louisiana
Eliminate problems upfront by adhering to public meeting and recordkeeping requirements. Find out what Louisiana law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent dev...
Roundabouts: Planning, Design and Poten...
Although roundabouts have proven safety and operational benefits, proper planning and engineering design is essential for roundabouts to function correctly. This live webinar is your opportunity to better understand modern roundabouts and their installation, learn specific design skills and current practices, and apply roundabout design principles to projects in your region. This live webinar will emphasize both basic and advanced roundabout...
Municipal Debt: Methods for Restructuring
It is rare for municipal debt to remain outstanding through final maturity. Issuers need to understand options available to them in restructuring their bonds in all circumstances. We will discuss in depth issues surrounding common types of restructuring including current and advance refundings as well less common types of restructuring including open-market purchases and tender programs. In addition, we will discuss aspects of municipal bankr...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regula...
Discover key ways to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You will find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement proc...
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