NEW DATE* ACT-IAC Small Business Growth...
Join the ACT-IAC Small Business Alliance on Thursday July 14th, for the ACT-IAC 'Small Business Growth Symposium: Strategies and Opportunities for the Future' to get comprehensive guidance for small businesses to adapt to the complex workings of the government's evolving ecosystem. Today, many Government IT Initiatives are centered on technology advancements, agile and quick turn ‘solutioning’, and early adoption. This is driving c...
July 14, 2016
ACT-IAC Location:
Washington, DC
Advanced Internal Controls in Governmen...
Incorporating draft OMB Circular A-123 requirements that defines management’s responsibility for internal control with an emphasis on integrating Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)This workshop is limited to government employees only to permit candid discussion In anticipation of the revised OMB Circular No. A-123 being issued early in Calendar Year 2016, this will be an advanced level internal control workshop focusing on the draft requi...
Mid-Year Update on Hot Issues in Federa...
A breakfast dedicated to the major developments in federal contracting with guest, Cheryl Harris, Deputy Director, Information Technology Services (ITS), IT Schedule 70 Stay current in the ever-changing field of government contracts. Topics: GSA Panel Latest Bid Protests Legislative and FAR updates Pending legislation that will impact federal contractors US Court of Federal Claims and case law Labor Law Update: Latest Developments
Trends in Network Modernization and Security
Federal networks are in the midst of a disruptive phase for the first time in more than a decade. Agencies are transforming their infrastructures to take advantage of new technologies in the cloud and on the software layer. Software-defined networking is growing across the government as a means to provide more security with less complex at lower costs, and with greater efficiency. Learning Objectives Discuss the cybersecurity benefits of netwo...
July 14, 2016
FAR Workshop
Two concentrated days on how to understand and use the Federal Acquisition Regulation in your daily contracting activities including in-depth analysis of the FAR system, the key contract clauses and contract forms. Provides comprehensive coverage of the FAR for new users and an advanced treatment of specific issues for experienced contract professionals. Course includes an explanation and demonstration of how to use the FAR online for research...
Managing & Supervising the Government V...
With the Washington, D.C. Metro SafeTrack, a year-long repair of the Metro System will cause increased delays and stop closings. OPM has asked Federal Government Employees to increase their use of Telework to reduce the load on the Metro and streets due to increased auto traffic. Therefore, there will be an increased level of Telework within the Federal Government. This 9th offering of this very successful program will help you to improve you...
Modernizing & Securing Government IT
The Administration has proposed a budgetary increase of $3.1 billion for modernization of the core infrastructure that runs most Federal agencies. The goal is to achieve these three primary goals: Address cybersecurity loopholes inherent in older systems; contain costly maintenance requirements and the inefficiency of legacy technology; and develop a more modern and reliable architecture that leverages cloud infrastructure and services. These...
July 12, 2016
SANS Salt Lake City 2016
SANS Exceptional Cybersecurity Training Comes to Salt Lake City in July We are pleased to invite you to SANS Salt Lake City 2016, June 27-July 2. Are you ready to immerse yourself in the most intense computer training experience available anywhere? Do you need to become a more effective leader when implementing security improvements for your organization? Do you need a more in-depth knowledge of the theory and implementation of computer securi...
June 27 - July 2, 2016
SANS Institute Location:
Salt Lake City, UT
ATARC Federal Big Data Summit
This educational one-day symposium will feature subject matter experts from the Federal government and academia participating in panels discussing hot-button topics in the area of big data and analytics. (Big Data Summit Agenda)The MITRE-ATARC Big Data Collaboration Symposium features discussion and white-boarding between government and industry subject matter experts in a small-group setting. The outcomes of these sessions will be compiled in...
June 30, 2016
ATARC Location:
Washington, DC
Understanding Arizona's Public Contract...
Learn how to deal with the obstacles you might encounter as you navigate through Arizona's Public Contracts and Procurement Regulations.Public projects offer unique and significant opportunities to generate business and accumulate valuable experience. However, many contractors have experienced frustration, either in dealing with the red tape often associated with public projects, or else with getting their foot in the door in what is perhaps u...
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