Cyber Insider Threat Training, Instruct...
This course provides students insight into documented insider threat cases, recent studies conducted on the insider threat, current government and industry guidance and best practices, as well as technical actions that can be taken to prevent, detect and handle the Cyber Insider Threat in their organization. Topics covered in this course include: What is a Cyber Insider Threat? Motivations of the Cyber Insider Threat Types of Cyber Insider Thr...
Cognitive Interviewing for Accident Inv...
Day 1: Cognitive Interviewing for Accident Investigators - BASIC This session provides the foundational knowledge and skills needed to conduct interviews of participants in, and witnesses to, transportation incidents or accidents. Emphasis will be on the cognitive interviewing technique to maximize the amount and quality of information obtained during investigative interviews. Day 2: Cognitive Interviewing for Accident Investigators - ADVANCED...
Vanguard Security & Compliance East 2015
Vanguard Security & Compliance™ is the most advanced cybersecurity educational summit dedicated to IBM®System z®. In 2015, Vanguard Security & Compliance East will feature highly regarded security and compliance experts from around the world. Experts from CA, IBM, Vanguard, and private industry will present the most current information and instruction about cybersecurity threats, protection, configuration and compliance i...
Subcontract Management From A to Z
This seminar presents subcontract management in the U.S. federal government environment. Subcontract management under a government prime contract is a hybrid between the company’s commercial subcontracting requirements and the federal government subcontracting requirements. This seminar is unique in its focus on the topics that make subcontract management different under a prime government contract. The seminar covers 32 essential subco...
Contracting Officer's Representative (C...
Other dates and locations available for immediate registration. Reviewed and verified by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) as meeting the training requirements for FAC-COR Level I. The Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) is a crucial link between the Contracting Officer (CO) and the contractor. In effect, CORs are the eyes and ears of the contracting officer, ensuring that the work the contracting officer has authorized gets...
Solicitations, Bids, Proposals, and Sou...
Building a contract, in both the public and private business sectors, which meets or exceeds the requirements of the buyer and seller is indeed a challenge, especially in a world of high expectations and demanding customers. This seminar provides a comprehensive roadmap or series of steps, which can be taken by both buyers and sellers to achieve mutual business success. The focus of this seminar is on the art and science of building a winning...
Contracting Officer's Representative (C...
Other dates and locations available for immediate registration. Reviewed and verified by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) as meeting the training requirements for FAC-COR Level II. Moving beyond the basics covered in COR Level I Training, this hands-on, interactive 5-day course builds on your experience, deepens your understanding of the acquisition process, and takes your skills and capabilities to the next level. It is taught by train...
Aircraft Accident Investigation
This course provides participants with a comprehensive overview of the procedures and methods used and the skills required to investigate an aircraft accident. Examples from recent NTSB investigations will be used to demonstrate particular aspects of the investigative process. Overview Site documentation and management Operational and mechanical aspects of aircraft performance Turbine and reciprocating engines Fire and explosions Fracture reco...
The Video Vortex
Video surveillance data is growing – fast. By 2020, video surveillance is expected to reach approximately 3.3 trillion captured video hours globally. Organizations’ appetites for video surveillance in an "always-on" world are straining IT infrastructures – from networks, to storage, to analysis capabilities. Attend “The Video Vortex” webinar to discuss: How agencies can optimize video surveillance data insights Po...
April 23, 2015
MeriTalk Location:
London US Export Controls for Non-US Co...
London 2015 CLICK HERE FOR FULL SCHEDULE OF SEMINARS SEMINAR SERIES in LONDON APRIL 2015 EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT BEFORE MARCH 20, 2015! ** _______________________________________________________________ Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Office of Foreign Assets Controls & Embargoes (OFAC) Explained - complete with the latest updates on Export Control Reform (ECR) as they appl...
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