2012 Annual Computer Security Applicati...
2012 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 4 Keynotes ... 44 Peer-Reviewed Papers ... 10 Technical Courses ... 6 Case Studies ... 5 Panels ... 4 Government Tutorials ... 2 Workshops ... Posters ... WiPs... and more! ACSAC papers undergo a rigorous peer-review process, with less than 20% of submissions accepted this year. Here are some of the paper presentations you will have the option of attending: Trust Engineering - Rejecting the...
December 3-7, 2012
ACSA Location:
Orlando, FL
Government Customer Service Conference & Expo
There are plenty of changes underway in how the federal government operates and manages technology for improving service, including the Administration challenging government agencies to focus on effective ways to foster citizen engagement. And the Government Customer Service Improvement Act requires agencies to improve service standards, investigate emerging technologies, incorporate industry best practices, and reduce websites with the overal...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Benefits Uncertain how public records and open meetings laws apply to you? Find out what California law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent developments in t...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regula...
Benefits Discover how to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You will find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regula...
Benefits Discover how to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You will find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement...
Integrated Water Resource Management ...
Benefits Water resource management often struggles with the mismatch of political and hydrologic boundaries. Instead of drawing our jurisdictions according to natural watersheds, as suggested by the great western explorer John Wesley Powell, many of our political boundaries follow just the opposite. Political lines that follow rivers or lakes force resource sharing and collaboration for long term success. Integrated water resources management...
Government in the Age of Social Media
Objectives »» Identify legal issues associated with using social media to gather information »» Establish how an employer can effectively design and implement a written social media policy Description Social media is the source of all information. For a governmental employer it is a double-edged sword. On one side, it provides municipal employers with a wealth of information about prospective and current employees. On t...
Property Tax Update for Nonprofit Organ...
Benefits The Provena case was a watershed event. By attending this live audio conference you will follow the genesis of property taxation of nonprofits and learn what is to come. Many new rules and ramifications exist for certain nonprofit entities in the wake of the most important decision affecting property taxes of a nonprofit. Continuing Education Units AIPB CPE Enrolled Agents RTRP Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact...
Small Business Contracting Virtual Conference
If you've attended an NCMA small business contracting virtual conference then you already know this annual event provides the experts who deliver the knowledge that contribute to your contracting success. The upcoming Small Business Contracting Virtual Conference promises to deliver the same. Original Air Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012 Attend this Small Business Contracting virtual training event. Learn about regulatory issues affecting the...
21st Century Asphalt Pavements Conference
It goes beyond dollars – show me the value! Today’s contractors and agencies are called on to meet customers’ needs at minimum cost while delivering high-quality pavements that will perform well for many years. NAPA's 21st Century Asphalt Pavements Conference: Value, Quality, and Performance is scheduled for Dec. 5-6 at the Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel.Participants in this conference will learn how to incorporate sustainabil...
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