KM Institute - Knowledge Management Cer...
The KM Institute CKM is the Certification of choice among managers and workers of KM projects worldwide. Learn new tips, obtain new tools, and gain a proven methodology for success. You'll leave with the necessary knowledge and skills to lead successful KM initiatives, no matter what your organizational size, structure, or purpose. Not Just a 5-Day Workshop but a Complete Blended Learning Experience "Before" Recommended e-Learning Modules - to...
Government Cloud Computing & Data Cente...
Those responsible for developing and implementing cloud-based solutions -- for implementing data center consolidation and other technology efficiencies -- continue to look for opportunities to learn about the best technologies, configurations, service and deployment models and appropriate mix of cloud services -- based on an organization’s requirements. Digital Government Institute's 8th Government Cloud Computing and Data Center Confere...
Public Records and Open Meetings in Florida
Do you know what's covered under Florida's Sunshine Law? Find out what Florida law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent developments in the interpretation of...
ISSA-NOVA September 2014 – Cloud Security
Featuring Mark Ryland. In this presentation, accompanied by live demonstrations, Mark will make the case that the automation and scale of true utility-style cloud computing enables customers to build more secure systems than they can typically build on-premises at any reasonable cost. About ISSA-NOVA and Membership Information The Information Systems Security Association Northern Virginia Chapter (ISSA-NOVA), chartered in August 2002, represen...
September 18, 2014
ISSA - NOVA Location:
Fairfax, VA
Using Cloud Computing to Transform Government
Using Cloud Computing to Transform Government – A Game Changer (The Next Steps for Agencies in the Effective Use of the Cloud) Training Workshop Since 2009, the Federal Government has been shifting its Information The initial focus of compliance with the Cloud First mandate, and a focus on cost savings are starting to give way to serious use of cloud computing to support agency business and mission capabilities. According to GSA, Federal...
Independent Contractor or Employee: Cla...
This webinar is very important for nonprofit organizations so that they can ensure that they can limit liability by properly classifying their workers. Many non-profit entities classify workers as independent contractors or employees without understanding the differences between the two under federal and state laws, without appreciating that different agencies apply different definitions and standards and that, perhaps, there may be a safe ha...
Spurring Innovation, Lowering Risk: Ado...
Government relies on technology to develop new ways to deliver services to the citizen. At the same time, Congress and the White House have historically kept a tight rein on high risk I.T. projects that incur costly delays while contributing little to mission-related outcomes. To lower the risk and to innovate in the face of rapidly changing technologies, the Office of Management and Budget recommends that agencies abandon multiyear developmen...
September 18, 2014
AFFIRM Location:
Washington, DC
Legal & Practical Issues of Easements i...
The world of easements may not be as impossible as you think. Do not let the intimidating complexity of easements cause you anxiety. Whether you're looking to draft, comply or fight one, our local experts will give you the know-how to succeed - without getting caught in exhausting and expensive legal battles. Attend this seminar and get the practical easements information you won't find anywhere else. You will hear it all - the requirements o...
The Future of Government Contracting an...
There’s no crystal ball, but Ken Bricker can help your company take a look into the near future of Government Contracting and DCAA regulations. What new rules affect your company? What DCAA guidance has been issued and how will the various offices treat that guidance? Last year, DCAA issued over 6,200 audit reports and significantly increased their incurred costs audits. Prepare for the future by discussing and projecting what the future...
September 17, 2014
PVBS Location:
Security Awareness Summit 2014
What Will You Learn- Strategies and techniques other organizations are using that actively engage their employees and staff- Habits of highly effective security awareness programs- Top human risks- What communication methods are the most effective- What other organizations are doing to effectively measure change in behavior- How organizations are making the most use of their limited resourcesWho Should Attend?This summit is for people that alr...
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