Advanced Proposal Management
*This is a two-day event that begins at 9:00am and ends at 5:00pm both days This class covers the spectrum of the most important topics, from preparing for a proposal effort and making a bid-no-bid decision, to orchestrating a great proposal kickoff, driving subject matter experts to produce winning content, exhibiting superb leadership and management skills, optimizing proposal team performance, getting the most from the proposal color review...
Tax-Exempt Organizations
Tax-exempt organizations are under increasing scrutiny - are you following the rules? Attend this enlightening seminar and stay abreast of the issues confronted by tax-exempt organizations. Our seasoned professionals will provide practical answers to your most pressing questions about Indiana regulations. Even if you have an accountant prepare your Form 990, you need to be aware of the information you will need to provide. Register today and g...
The Government Virtual Workforce Traini...
Special "Early Bird" Registration Government Employees: $995(Federal, State or Local Government Issued ID) EARLY BIRD Special Reduced Rates in Support of Government Budget Reductions: Now $695 until June 29th! ($300 = 30% Registration Fee Reduction) Team Rate for Government: Send a government team to learn together. Register two government employees from the same office at the same time and the third person registers at 50% of the current gove...
Water Well Design And Site Selection: T...
Problems with well performance are usually preventable, often start with well construction and development, and are then exacerbated by water quality conditions, well operation and rehabilitation efforts. This live audio conference will discuss the key factors affecting well performance including well design, initial screen development, biological and mechanical plugging, and well rehabilitation methods. An asset management based approach is d...
How to Write an Effective Nonprofit Ann...
Creating an effective annual report will engage your donors, increase the potential for new partnerships and can attract more volunteers for your organization. During the live audio conference you will learn why creating an annual report is important for your organization and how to ensure you create a report that engages all your target audiences. Plus, you will hear how to simplify your information gathering for what to include in your repor...
Leveraging the Power of "Costpoint Ente...
L2 Federal Resources presents an exclusive contracting webinar... LIVE WEBINAR | Wednesday, July 17, 2013 | 1PM Eastern Leveraging the Power of "Costpoint Enterprise Reporting" and Incurred Cost Submission Reports Preparing your annual Incurred Cost Submissions can be a long and manual process when it comes to manipulating the data from your Costpoint software system. Did you know Deltek’s Cognos-based “Costpoint Enterprise Report...
Planning for Water Distribution System...
Water distribution system renewal is an urgent infrastructure problem and will be on the agenda of utilities, local governments, and industries for many years. Based on national studies, a large gap exists between current expenditures on water main renewal and the investment levels needed to sustain system integrity. Many aging pipe segments are candidates for renewal and must be updated through funding from capital improvement programs. Plann...
Introduction to CPIC & a Review of the...
Learn first hand about the many new changes just announced to CPIC! In late April 2011, OMB introduced two new forms, the Exhibit 300 (a) and Exhibit 300 (b) which comprise a new model for the Administration's pulse check on investment health and performance. The Introduction to CPIC and a Review of the Exhibit 300s seminar introduces the changes to the process and introduces the new Exhibits, "Capital Asset Summary and Performance Measurement...
Developing a Winning Cost Volume
*This is a two-day event that begins at 9:00am and ends at 5:00pm both days It’s a given – price is the most important part of the offer. This is especially true in the days when Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) rules, and even when it is a Best Value procurement, the lowest bidder will most likely get the award. Most companies, however, miss the most important elements of process and deliverable for the cost volume, and...
AGA's PDC: Big Challenges. Bigger Thinking.
Held in July of each year, AGA's annual premier education event offers up to 24 CPE hours and brings together the top officials in federal, state and local government as well as academia and the private sector for three and a half days of intensive training, networking and fun. Held in Dallas, AGA's PDC is the go-to event for the government accountability community for more than 62 years.
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