Oil Tank Inspection and the SPCC Rule Update
Benefits When EPA began changing the SPCC Rules in 2002, they underscored a new emphasis on tank integrity testing. During the ensuing years, the Steel Tank Institute (with other key stakeholders), was charged with developing a standard specifically for integrity testing shop-fabricated ASTs. The STI standard has already proven to be a cost-effective alternative to the older API standard. Attend this live audio conference to learn more about t...
Attributes of Tribal Land and Tribal Tr...
'Tribal Trust Land Acquisitions' provides an overview of the regulatory framework governing tribal land, including the federal fee-to-trust process of land acquisition for tribes, the attributes of tribal land, and considerations for non-tribal entities doing business with Indian tribes. Learn how the trust status of land will impact your project and how to address such impacts in the documentation and timeline for your transaction. Learning O...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regulations
Benefits Discover how to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You will find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement...
CON 100: Shaping Smart Business Arrangements
This seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to the environment, responsibilities, and skills required of government contracting professionals. This wide-ranging course covers everything from how to work in teams, to the various DOD mission areas, to the regulatory framework governing acquisitions. Jumpstart your career with this exciting, expansive course, and be an integral player in fulfilling your agency’s mission. FCI’s...
Current Issues in Cell Tower Leases and...
Benefits The wireless industry has built more than 250,000 cell sites in the United States in the past 20 years. But many more cell sites are needed as iPhones™, iPads™, Droids and the like strain existing network capacity with data, email, computer and video applications. New cell sites and significant modifications to existing cell sites will also be needed due to the government's goal of using wireless to increase broadband spee...
Bomb-making Materials Awareness Program
Bomb–making Materials Awareness Program December 13, 2012 Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism The Bomb-making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP) is a national program sponsored by The National Protection and Programs Directorate’s Office of Infrastructure Protection (NPPD/IP). A collaborative effort between the DHS Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), BMAP is designed to...
Terminations in Government Contracts: P...
L2 Federal Resources presents an exclusive contracting webinar... LIVE WEBINAR |Thursday, December 13, 2012 | 1PM Eastern Terminations in Government Contracts: Preparing for Budget Cuts Unlike most commercial contracts, Federal government contracts permit the government to terminate a contract for the government’s convenience. Worse yet, it is likely that the coming budget cuts and possible sequestration will result in agencies adjustin...
FEMP eTraining: Federal On-Site Renewab...
Federal On-Site Renewable Power Purchase Agreements Learn how to develop an on-site renewable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on a Federal site to meet Federal mandates: Review key PPA considerations, including state, local and utility requirements and restrictions; Evaluate the technical and site feasibility for an on-site renewable energy project; Establish a multi-disciplinary team to successfully implement the PPA; Understand key considerat...
FEMP eTraining: Sustainable Institution...
FEMP e-Training: Sustainable Institutional Change for Federal Facility Managers Learn practical information and action-based tools to change individual and organizational behaviors in support of energy efficiency and strategic sustainability goals: Apply the construct of "rules, roles, and tools” in support of energy efficiency and strategic sustainability goals Apply eight principles of institutional change to strategy development Devel...
Current Employment Issues for Nonprofits
Benefits Nonprofit employers are presented with compliance requirements keyed to their tax exempt status. This is notably true with respect to executive compensation and perks and volunteers and interns. Nonprofit employers also must parse out whether they are covered by new statutes, such as the Affordable Care Act, or affected by trends and new rulings, such as the explosion of use of social media. In this live audio conference, you will lea...
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