Fort Eisenhower (formerly Fort Gordon)...
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Event Fort Eisenhower Innovation Day December 5, 2024 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and attract 20 to 50 exhibi...
Maine Digital Government Summit 2024
The Digital Government Summit brings together technology focused public-sector professionals with leading industry partners to connect on innovative approaches, get inspired and discover new technologies. Join us and let’s improve the future of government together! Open to Public Sector only.
TechNet Augusta
TechNet Augusta gives participants the opportunity to examine and explore the intricacies of the cyber domain. With assistance from the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and industry experts, the conference is designed to open the lines of communication and facilitate networking, education and problem solving. Leaders and operators also discuss procurement challenges the military, government and industry face during a time of uncertain budg...
Maine Digital Government Summit 2023
The Digital Government Summit brings together technology focused public-sector professionals with leading industry partners to connect on innovative approaches, get inspired and discover new technologies. Join us and let’s improve the future of government together! Open to Public Sector only.
TechNet Augusta
TechNet Augusta 2023 gives participants the opportunity to examine and explore the intricacies of the cyber domain. With assistance from the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and industry experts, the conference is designed to open the lines of communication and facilitate networking, education and problem solving. Leaders and operators also discuss the procurement challenges the military, government and industry face during a time of uncer...
August 14-17, 2023
AFCEA Location:
Augusta, GA
Cyber South Carolina/Savannah River Summit
Savannah River Cyber Summit The Savannah River Cyber Summit (SRCS), slated for April 25-26, 2023 in North Augusta, SC will act as a meeting point where researchers from academia, industry, research groups, companies and public authorities working in the field of cybersecurity and related areas can exchange knowledge and experience with the shared goal of strengthening research and building networks in the field. This will result in an exciting...
TechNet Augusta
TechNet Augusta 2022 gives participants the opportunity to examine and explore the intricacies of the cyber domain. With assistance from the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and industry experts, the conference is designed to open the lines of communication and facilitate networking, education and problem solving. Leaders and operators also discuss procurement challenges the military, government and industry face during a time of uncertain...
August 15-18, 2022
AFCEA Location:
Augusta, GA
Cyber Education, Research, and Training...
AFCEA International will host the Cyber Education, Research and Training Symposium (CERTS) in Augusta, Georgia, home of Fort Gordon, the Army Cyber Center of Excellence, and new home of Army Cyber Command. CERTS brings government, education, research, and industry leaders together to focus on advancing cyber workforce development, training, retention, and support. The overarching theme for 2022 is “Developing Our Cyber Workforce to Meet...
May 9-11, 2022
AFCEA Location:
Augusta, GA
Cyber and Technology Day at Fort Gordon
The Army's 'cyber center of gravity' is at Fort Gordon. It's the home of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Cyber Corps, Cyber Protection Brigade, and the Cyber Center of Excellence. The Army headquarters beneath U.S. Cyber Command, ARCYBER, is also in full-blown preparations to relocate here in 2021. So, if your product or service is cyber-related, Fort Gordon is where you want to be. The Fort's 2021 Cyber and Technology Day provides an excellent op...
TechNet Augusta 2021
TechNet Augusta 2021 gives participants the opportunity to examine and explore the intricacies of the cyber domain. With assistance from the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and industry experts, the conference is designed to open the lines of communication and facilitate networking, education and problem solving. Leaders and operators also discuss procurement challenges the military, government and industry face during a time of uncertain...
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