INPUT Webinar - Federal Data Center Con...
Join INPUT principal analysts Angie Petty and Lauren Jones for a FREE webinar that provides a preview of the 2010 Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative report and insight to help federal contractors answer the question: “What is the current federal data center landscape and where are the IT opportunities related to data center consolidation?” Issues to be addressed during the webinar include: Trends and drivers in federal da...
September 30, 2010
INPUT Location:
Business Process Management for Governm...
Join us for this live webcast with featured speaker Thom Rubel of IDC Government Insights and Michael Rowley of Active Endpoints. Listen to their perspectives about the opportunities government agencies - federal, state and local - have to develop "smart applications" to improve service delivery and efficiency, and how a standards-based Business Process Management System (BPMS) can provide the technology to enable this kind of innovation. The...
Lean Six Sigma for IT 2010
Unlock the Potential of Lean Six Sigma for IT Discover innovative solutions to link Lean Six Sigma to the information technology functions of your organization Transform and Streamline your IT Processes Incorporate Six Sigma methodology into your current business systems and align with your strategic plan Discuss the Advantages of Linking Six Sigma and ITIL Together Understand the difference between the two approaches and discover the benefits...
Space and Satellite Export Controls
This is the Only Advanced, Practical Export Controls Compliance Event for the Satellite & Space Industries! Satelliteandcomponentmanufacturers,operators,launchservice providers,universities,remoteimagingfirmsandspaceentrepreneurs continuetofaceconcrete,heightened U.S. export enforcement risks. While export controls reform hangs in the balance,DDTC,DTSA,ICE,FBI andtheU.S.DepartmentofJusticecontinuetomonitorspac...
Geospatial Intelligence Summit
This event will bring together heads of Geospatial Intelligence, GIS, remote sensing, operations, imagery and analysis. The conference will provide a unique forum to discuss and debate the development of GIS capabilities across the globe. It will address the use of geospatial information in scenarios such as international conflicts, humanitarian disasters, crime, security, border control, arms treaty monitoring and global climate change. A fun...
Modern Day Marine
At the military service level, this major event in the fall at Quantico serves as a premier equipment, systems, services and technology exposition. The exposition is located at the heart of Marine requirements, research & development, acquisition, procurement and professional school activities. Modern Day Marine began in 1981 when the leadership of the Marine Corps League, a Congressionally chartered veteran's organization, sought support...
Social Media for Government Canada: How...
Attend this training to learn how to capture the power of social media in your organization, along with helpful tools, tips and techniques to get started, including: Communicating more effectively and efficiently through the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, video podcasts, social networks and much more) Developing a social media (blogging, podcasting, wikis, Twitter, etc.) strategy to drive...
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