2011 Export-Import Bank of the United S...
Attend the International Trade Conference of the Year! Ex-Im Bank’s Annual Conference is one of the nation’s premier venues for discussing U.S. trade policy and developing strategies to expand the role exports play in the U.S. economy. This year's event, "Government at the Speed of Business," features plenary sessions and workshops focused on small business exporters, market and industry opportunities, and the Obama Administration'...
2011 Bicoastal Counter Terrorism Summit
2011 Bicoastal Counter-Terrorism Summit These courses are approved for grant funding in certain regions. Contact your local grant administrator. The HALO Corporation will be presenting the following courses in the continuing Bicoastal Counter-Terrorism Seminar Series. Monday: Global Narco-Terror Nexus The public, media, and many political leaders observe the border crisis as a one dimensional dilemma. This summit provides substantial evidence...
Adobe Government Solutions Going Digita...
Join Adobe in Salt Lake City on Thursday, March 31st, to learn how Adobe can help your agency transform everyday citizen and employee interactions, while leveraging your existing IT infrastructure. Discover how your agency can benefit from enterprise applications that blend electronic forms, process management, document security, document generation, and web content management to modernize your day to day activities. Our solutions have been us...
INPUT State and Local Breakfast featuri...
Join INPUT and TechAmerica for the first State and Local Executive Breakfast Series of 2011 featuring city and county of Los Angeles’ top technology leaders. This breakfast is an opportunity for technology vendors to network with peers and interact with local executives. Featuring presentations from key city and county of Los Angeles, California government officials: Richard SanchezChief Information OfficerLos Angeles County Randi Levin...
March 31, 2011
INPUT Location:
Los Angeles, CA
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Defence IQ is excited to announce the Critical Infrastructure Protection taking place on 30/31 March, 2011 in central London. At the Critical Infrastructure Protection Conference, you will hear from a speaker faculty consisting of utilities, government agencies, industry organisations, and the industry that support them. Since 2001, Critical Infrastructure Protection has taken on a new sense of urgency. Security planners must now think about s...
March 30-31, 2011
Defence IQ Location:
London, GB
Annual High Performance Computing and C...
SUPERCOMPUTING: Where to from here ? Conference Highlights Supercomputing ~ Mass Storage ~ Computer Security ~ HPC Financial Applications ~ Energy Exploration ~ Tire Design ~ Air Traffic Control ~ Weather Forecasting ~ NSF HPC Program ~ Google ~ Women in Computer Technology ~ Peta Scale Computing The National High Performance Computing and Communications Council holds an annual High Performance Computing and Communications Conference each Spri...
March 29-31, 2011
HPCwire Location:
Newport, RI
National Logistics Conference and Exhib...
NDIA's Annual National Logistics Conference & Exhibition has become the premier national-level forum for exchanging ideas and sharing insights into improving the support to our nation’s warfighters across the spectrum of military operations. The conference brings together the senior logistics policy officials and senior practitioners attracting high-caliber government and industry participants. In addition, the expanded exhibit forum...
March 28-31, 2011
NDIA Location:
Miami, FL
CalGIS 2011, Meeting California's Challenges
CalGIS is definitely the place to be to learn about the Best in California GIS. A comprehensive educational program (for beginners and advanced professionals), networking events and an exhibit hall are all featured at CalGIS. Make plans to attend the 2011 conference in Fresno!
Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco
Web 2.0 Expo, co-produced by O'Reilly Media, Inc. and UBM TechWeb, showcases the latest Web 2.0 business models, development paradigms, and design strategies for the builders of the next-generation Web. This annual multi-track conference brings together people, ideas, connections, contacts, products, and companies to foster stronger Web 2.0 communities. Web 2.0 Expo events occur in San Francisco and New York and feature influential keynotes an...
Nellis AFB
All interested Nellis AFB personnel and contractors are invited to attend the 2011 Information Technology Expo set to take place at the Consolidated Club (formerly the Officers' Club) on Wednesday 30 March 2011. Exhibits will be open from 1030 hrs to 1400 hrs. There is no fee to attend and complimentary refreshments and lunch will be served.
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