FAR Part 4 - Administrative Matters
This part prescribes policies and procedures relating to the administrative aspects of contract execution, contractor-submitted paper documents, distribution, reporting, retention, and files.
Purpose And Status Of CMMC
Join JSchaus & Associates (Washington DC based consulting firm) for our 2020 webinar series. Webinars are RECORDED and COMPLIMENTARY. Check our YouTube channel or website for the upcoming schedule and previous recordings. Contact us for help with your federal procurement needs including market analysis, SBA 8a Cert, GSA Schedules, pricing, proposal writing, sales & business development, contract administration and more. Thank you for r...
Adopt a People-Centric Approach to Security
Security leaders at government agencies have a complex workforce to protect. Today, agency employees, contractors, partners, and even citizens all need access to applications and resources from a variety of different locations, including at work, at home, or from a local coffee shop. The rise of cloud and mobile devices has catalyzed rethinking modern security, but amidst this complexity, one consistency remains: credential-harvesting is the m...
The Benefits of Migrating to a Modern T...
Tape Technology continues to dominate as the storage industry's preferred form of removable media. It remains the undeniable leader in affordability and reliability with recent advancements such as faster speeds, greater capacities, increased efficiencies, and quicker retrieval times. Join Spectra Logic during their webinar to hear Matt Ninesling, Hardware Engineering Director, discuss the importance of understanding the best practices, pitfal...
Architectural Design: From floor plan t...
When designing architectural layouts, an accurate understanding of space and dimension is imperative. Why limit perspectives to ordinary floor plans? Enhance design workflows and engage with projects in 3D with SketchUp!Join this webinar for a full demonstration on importing, scaling, and extruding a floor plan into 3D. Specifically, participants will learn how to:Place 3D doors and windows into the SketchUp modelEnhance architectural design w...
Unlock Content Velocity to Design Engag...
In today's rapidly changing government landscape, agencies must achieve and maintain content velocity - the ability to create, source, manage, and publish content faster than ever all while upholding content quality. Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) accelerates creative workflows, empowering government employees to quickly design engaging digital experiences, across every surface, to the citizens and employees they serve. Join our complimentary webin...
Cloud Hosting for your Epic EHR...and More!
With unrelenting demand for digital transformation in healthcare and mounting pressure on CIOs to do more with less, how’s your hospital keeping pace? Working with experts to host your healthcare applications in the cloud can help: Control costs Manage staff size Reduce risks Jumpstart your strategies for data-driven care Whether you’re just beginning your cloud migration strategy, installing a new cloud-based Electronic Health Rec...
Ensure Your Message Reaches All Audiences
Engaging with both internal and external customers often requires telling the story of your agency and its mission in a compelling manner. But how do you ensure your message is reaching your targeted audience no matter who the reader is or how the message is received? Join our complimentary webinar to understand ways user interact with email content as well as best practices for creating accessible emails. Specifically, this webinar will cover...
Google Cloud 2020 Webinar Series: Janua...
The IT infrastructure of many government agencies is largely comprised of Virtual Machines. As CIOs begin to implement their Cloud adoption strategies, it is imperative that their teams understand the processes and tools available for moving these workloads to the Cloud. This webinar will cover the lift and shift approach to migration and how Google can help accelerate the path to the Cloud for Linux and Windows Virtual Machines. During this w...
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