AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium
The U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency’s new operational role in the cyber domain as network defender creates a formal relationship between DISA, U.S. Cyber Command and the command’s military service components. The goal is to improve security, but a successful strategy depends on a matrix of participating organizations adapting technical solutions and adopting enterprise management to improve efficiency, security and reliabil...
April 20-22, 2016
AFCEA Location:
Washington, DC
AFCEA International Spring Intelligence...
The game is changing for the Intelligence Community (IC) and for businesses and academia that support it. Transformations in global political, economic, social, and technological spheres are occurring with unprecedented speed and complexity. Many carry ramifications of strategic importance. The nation’s intelligence community and its industrial base are charged with observing, understanding and assessing the emerging world so that decisi...
AFCEA International Coast Guard Intelli...
The U.S. Coast Guard is on budget to grow its work force to support the Commandant’s four strategy areas: the cyber cadre, marine inspectors crew, additional operational assets in the Western Hemisphere; and agility to respond to challenges in the Arctic. Coast Guard Intelligence focuses on supporting these initiatives and its operators. This one-day classified (Secret/NOFORN) event explores these areas with an eye toward partnering with...
AFCEA TechNet Air
AFCEA TechNet Air 2016 brings government, industry, and technology leaders together to examine the requirements and solutions needed to insure information dominance in the air, space, and cyberspace domains. Issues and advances in Command and Control, Cyber Security, Intelligence, and Electronic Warfare will be examined in panel, theater, and small group sessions with senior leaders, developers, and practitioners. Read More. Who Will Attend? T...
AFCEA International NGA Industry Day
Welcome to NGA Industry Day 2016! Information-sharing and partnering are essential for keeping our nation ahead of today’s complex security threats. To facilitate government-industry innovation, AFCEA Intelligence and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) are sponsoring a full-day classified (SECRET) event dedicated to identifying areas of possible collaboration and business opportunity to help enable and accelerate NGA...
WEST 2016
The premier naval conference and exposition on the West Coast, WEST is now in its 26th year of bringing military and industry leaders together. Co-sponsored by AFCEA International and the U.S. Naval Institute, WEST is the foremost event in which the makers of platforms and the designers of technologies can network, discuss and demonstrate their solutions in a single locale. To complete their missions successfully, more than 150,000 professiona...
Navigating the Federal Contracting Proc...
Are you a subcontractor? Do you have what it takes to prime? Understand the risks and rewards and how to move from being a sub- to a prime contractor. Join AFCEA for an informative course taught by former Air Force Contracting Officer and Program Manager, Barry Levy. This interactive and collaborative session informs businesses who want to grow. It also maximizes audience participation and addresses attendees questions and concerns real-time a...
AFCEA's Rocky Mountain Chapter - CyberS...
The Symposium provides a national forum for industry and government to work together to help solve the challenges of cybersecurity, community cyber readiness and national defense. Our theme this year is: “Managing Risk in Cyberspace: Defining/Measuring/Mitigating/Operating Through” and we have a great mix of interesting and thought-provoking speakers and panelists planned. We also have a huge Exhibit Hall full of industry, academia...
AFCEA TechNet Asia Pacific
TechNet Asia-Pacific, now in its 30th year, is co-sponsored by AFCEA International and AFCEA Hawaii. It is the largest event in the Pacific Rim focusing on regional defense issues. Keynote speakers, panel moderators and panelists will discuss defense policies and challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and their relevance to both Industry and Government. Industry exhibitors will demonstrate products and solutions to meet the Services' requiremen...
AFCEA Epic Speaker Serices - Intelligen...
Intelligence is critical to effective decision-making and nowhere with more significant ramifications for our nation than within the realm of foreign policy. In many cases it is the foundation upon which foreign policy action is undertaken. Despite the critical role of intelligence, sharing it is often fraught with considerable difficulties, from over-classification that impedes the sharing of information with partner countries and organizatio...
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