Army Birthday Dinner - Central Pennsylvania
Each June, the Foundation hosts Central Pennsylvania’s Army Birthday celebration with a program and dinner at USAHEC. The program seeks to build support for the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army War College, develop a public understanding of U.S. Army traditions, and provide an enjoyable evening of dining. This year, we will also be celebrating the 50th Anniversary since the establishment of the Military History Institute, the predecing organi...
2017 Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit
The annual Summit is the ONLY opportunity for the ENTIRE Army Aviation Community to gather in one place at one time focused solely on Army Aviation issues. Download and Share! Soldiers, Industry, Acquisition, R&D, Retired, Veterans, Maintenance, Logistics, Simulation, Special Operations, Training and Doctrine, MEDEVAC, Active Duty, Army National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, and Army Aviation Leadership all take part! Even NATO holds their Hel...
U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s 3rd Ope...
Objective The U.S. Army Research Laboratory will hold its third Open Campus Open House November 16 - 17, 2016 at ARL’s Adelphi, Maryland Campus. This year we ask, "Who is the nation’s premier laboratory for land forces focused on discovery and innovation for the Army of 2035 and beyond?" The U.S. Army Research Laboratory is open and we are interested in working with you. Outcome Expand on ARL's Open Campus concept and to continue...
Army Scholarship Foundation Help Our He...
The Army Scholarship Foundation will be holding its second Help Our Heroes luncheon on October 28th at Brook Hollow Golf Club, 8301 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX. The event will start at 11:30 am and will feature General Gordon R. Sullivan, U.S. Army (Retired), Former Chief of Staff U.S. Army as Guest of Honor. Admission is $150 per person. Sponsorships are available. Please go to for more...
2016 AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition
Held every October, the AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition is the largest land power exposition and professional development forum in North America. This event consists of informative and relevant presentations, panel discussions on pertinent military and national security subjects, workshops and important AUSA business meetings. There will be dozens of professional development events, seminars and presentations during this event including:...
2016 Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit
Professional Networking Held each year, the Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit is the only opportunity each year for the ENTIRE Army Aviation Community to gather in one place at one time focused solely on Army Aviation issues. Soldiers, Industry, Acquisition, R&D, Retired, Veterans, Maintenance, Logistics, Simulation, Special Operations, Training and Doctrine, MEDEVAC, Active Duty, Army National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, and Army Lead...
Small Business Information Forum Initiative
The Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) has established a Small Business Information Forum Initiative (SBIFI) that follows the PEO STRI Acquisition Center's monthly Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT) update sessions. This venue provides both meaningful and timely information to all of Industry, however concentrating on small business, in an ever-changing acquisition environment. Event: Necessity of Trusted knowledge in your recru...
Arkansas Region Federal Industry Forum
The Little Rock (SWL) District Corps of Engineers in collaboration with the Memphis (MVM) District Corps of Engineers; Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System (CAVHS); 19th Contracting Squadron (19 CONS), Little Rock Air Force Base (LRAFB); US Small Business Administration (SBA), Arkansas District; US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR); US General Services Administration (GSA) and Arkansas...
Army Research Laboratory -- 2nd OPEN HOUSE
The US Army Research Laboratory Invites You to an Open Campus Open HouseNovember 3 & 4, 2015 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland See new partnerships formingAt the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), success is rooted in discovery and innovation, and also in the strength of new and existing partnerships. ARL is opening its campuses and sending its research staff to work as visiting researchers at partner institutions. By sharing access to ARL...
ACC-APG Huachuca Division Industry Day
The goal of the event is to provide our industry partners with networking opportunities and information for mission areas that focus on: information technology; test and evaluation; military intelligence; cyber security; communications, security, and logistics; engineering and systems integration; and base operations services support. We hope to have participation by senior leaders representing all of our customers: U.S. Army Network Enterpris...
October 28, 2015
U. S. Army Location:
Fort Huachuca, AZ
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