reStart MD: Technical Hiring & Networki...
Allocate your time wisely, efficiently and toward your next career…join us at reStart! reStart is committed to delivering the finest, most convenient and effective hiring events to move your career in a direction you want. Our program is designed for professionals actively seeking new employment, on a contract that’s coming to an end or wish to build a foundation for future career development by exploring the latest positions avai...
May 6, 2015
reStart, Inc. Location:
Linthicum Heights, MD
reStart VA: Technical Hiring & Networki...
Allocate your time wisely, efficiently and toward your next career…join us at reStart! reStart is committed to delivering the finest, most convenient and effective hiring events to move your career in a direction you want. Our program is designed for professionals actively seeking new employment, on a contract that’s coming to an end or wish to build a foundation for future career development by exploring the latest positions avai...
Cyber Insider Threat Training, Instruct...
This course provides students insight into documented insider threat cases, recent studies conducted on the insider threat, current government and industry guidance and best practices, as well as technical actions that can be taken to prevent, detect and handle the Cyber Insider Threat in their organization. Topics covered in this course include: What is a Cyber Insider Threat? Motivations of the Cyber Insider Threat Types of Cyber Insider Thr...
Multi-Level-Security and Mobile Applica...
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Event Multi-Level-Security and Mobile Applications Showcase at the AFRL Information Directorate April 29, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typical...
Privacy, Cybersecurity and Social Media
A discussion on privacy and how it is evolving with social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We will discuss the differences between how this is being handled domestically in the United States versus the international views of other countries on privacy.
MCAS Miramar Tech & Air Ops Support Showcase
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Event MCAS Miramar Tech & Air Ops Support Showcase April 23, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and attract...
Professionalization and the Cybersecuri...
The increasing frequency and scale of reported cyber attacks, highlights the need for a cybersecurity workforce of sufficient size and quality to meet the evolving threat environment. To address this need, some cybersecurity experts call for enhanced professionalization requirements. Certification, licensure, skill-based competency exams, and a national association all have been advanced as components of a comprehensive workforce strategy to a...
Stop Issuing Secure Credentials to Imposters
Much has been said about the difficulties in screening persons for possible imposter fraud or security concerns based upon use of current identity documents like birth certificates, driver’s licenses or passports. The most often reasons given are the lack of standardization of security features and the layout for these documents. This criticism is focused on the inability of even a trained person to recognize valid documents and the spec...
Proactive Cyber Deterrance
Cyber risk is a product of threats, vulnerabilities and consequences. Driving any one of these to zero, will achieve zero risk. Most of us do not have a James Bond 007 license and thus cannot eliminate threats. For some time the general belief has been that all vulnerabilities can be eliminated, thus driving cyber risk to zero. Are there any CISOs who are telling their CEOs that all vulnerabilities are eliminated? Detection is a much more diff...
MCAGCC 29 Palms Tactical & Tech Day
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Event MCAGCC 29 Palms Tactical & Tech Day April 15, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and attract 20 to 50...
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