IBM and SoftLayer Executive Breakfast:...
Please join us for an executive breakfast on Tuesday, February 10th, at the Tower Club in Tysons Corner, to learn how IBM and SoftLayer's enterprise level, FedRAMP’ed-ready cloud offering provides a much-needed alternative to proprietary public cloud offerings. "Enterprises have different requirements - security, privacy, ability to audit, placement of data. Then you have to connect the new data on the cloud with the data you already ha...
February 10, 2015
ESVA Inc. Location:
Vienna, VA
USAG Wiesbaden/Clay Kaserne Technology Expo
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Technology Expo USAG Wiesbaden/Clay Kaserne Technology Expo February 3, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and...
Fort Hood Tactical & Tech Day
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Technology Expo Fort Hood Tactical & Tech Day January 30, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and attract 20...
Security Hill IO & ISR Support Showcase
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Technology Expo Security Hill IO & ISR Support Showcase (tentative) January 29, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in d...
IBM Security Analytics and Situational...
IBM Security Analytics and Situational AwarenessThere is no silver bullet to address the asymmetric nature of today’s malicious network intrusions – this is especially true within federal data systems where our adversaries are well funded, resilient, and adjust and overcome as quickly as new security systems can deploy. CISOs have a limited 360 degree view of their networks and can only see multiple segments. This visibility makes...
January 29, 2015
ESVA Inc. Location:
Washington, DC
reStart Baltimore: Technical Hiring Event
Registration Now Open for reStart’s Technical Hiring Events The reStart hiring event series provides an innovative and modern approach to connect employers and candidates within the information technology industry. With an extensive background and years of experience, our team has developed a convenient and efficient program to help employers and job seekers gain a competitive advantage in today’s workforce. Event highlights includ...
January 29, 2015
reStart, Inc. Location:
Linthicum Heights, MD
JBSA-Randolph Innovation Showcase
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Technology Expo JBSA-Randolph Innovation Showcase January 27, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and attract 20...
JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Innovation Showcase
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Technology Expo JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Innovation Showcase January 26, 2015 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and at...
IBM Fusion Event: Transform Your Data a...
Using Big Data and Analytics for Federal Financial Regulatory Oversight - Observations from the Field Fusion, an IBM-built application specifically designed for financial analysts, enables users to quickly share insight and actionable intelligence across the enterprise and within the mission space. Fusion incorporates key IBM Watson core foundational products that derives its value from unstructured data that is not easily analyzed, but full o...
January 22, 2015
ESVA Inc. Location:
Washington, DC
IBM Security Intelligence Workshop and...
Your company is producing more data than ever before. It’s being shared faster and more widely than in the past. Additionally, those who are looking to steal that data are becoming more sophisticated and stealthy. Clearly, a more responsive, more integrated, analytics-driven approach to security is needed. Join us for a two part security series that will give you a better understanding on how to deal with your security issues. Attend thi...
December 16, 2014
ESVA Inc. Location:
Augusta, GA
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