2nd National Summit on Hypersonic Weapo...
Hosted by American Conference Institute, the 2nd National Summit on Hypersonic Weapons Systems takes a deep dive into the necessity of hastening the procurement of hypersonic platforms as well as the testing and fielding steps that will provide the ability to maintain the balance of geopolitical stability. This year’s conference co-chairs include General Neil Thurgood (USA-ret) (Former Director, Army Hypersonics, Space, Directed Energy a...
Emerging & Disruptive Technology for Defense
Hosted by American Conference Institute, the Emerging & Disruptive Technologies (EDT) for Defense Conference is an inaugural event for military decision-makers, leading industry, academia, and non-traditional defense companies, who are transforming joint capabilities and facilitating the integration of disruptive technologies in the defense enterprise. This year’s conference co-chair includes Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Raymond...
National Congress on Next Generation Mi...
Hosted by American Conference Institute, the National Congress on Next Generation Military and Veterans Healthcare Systems focuses on Delivering Cutting-Edge Technology and the Power of Data to Healthcare Providers and the Military Veterans they Serve. This year’s conference chairperson includes Dr. David Shulkin (Ninth Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs). Join Military, Government, private health care providers, academia and...
Unmanned Systems West (Air-Land-Sea-Robotics)
Requirements from DoD & Government demands for increased spending year over year. In 2021, $7.5 billion was budgeted for a variety of robotic platforms and related Air – Land – Water (UxV) technologies. Unmanned Aircraft Systems future spending estimates are $10.6 billion annually and projected to be $13 billion in 2030. Military R&D is projected to add another $65 billion over 10 years. Unmanned Ground (UGV), Underwater (U...
Global Encryption, Cloud & Cyber Export...
To protect the health and safety of attendees, this event has been rescheduled due to COVID-19 concerns. New Dates: 9/10-9/11/2020 The 10th edition of the Global Encryption, Cloud & Cyber Export Controls Conference takes place June 10-11, 2020, in San Francisco, CA. This year’s program will gather senior executives from the leading technology, defense and aerospace industries along with the best of the export controls bar. What's New...
ACI's Advanced Forum on DCAA & DCMA Cos...
DCAA business system audits are on the horizon for government contractors. What can your organization expect from these audits, and how can you best prepare? Find out at ACI’s Advanced Forum on DCAA & DCMA Cost, Pricing, Compliance & Audits on June 25 & 26, 2019 in Crystal City. Back for its 10th year, this highly regarded program gathers key government officials and distinguished industry leaders to offer updates, insights a...
2nd National Summit on Classified Contracts
Join your peers this June for the Second National Summit on Classified Contracts, which will explore the latest pressing issues and challenges facing security and the government contracting industry. Our expert speaker faculty will supply comprehensive insight on how to navigate this complex, evolving landscape.The 2019 Program Will Cover: Benefits and pitfalls of the continuous evaluation system employed by the DODStrategies to interpret a...
American Conference Institutes 5th Nati...
In this critical time of transition for dealmakers and foreign investment,we invite you to join your peers at American Conference Institute’s 5th NationalForum on CFIUS & Team Telecom. Gain invaluable insights on repositioning your transaction planning amidst arapidly evolving landscape. Widely regarded as the premier event for the CFIUSand Team Telecom bar, join government, industry and private practice expertsfor a worthwhile...
Global Encryption, Cloud & Cyber Export...
This program will navigate the ins and outs of complying with U.S. and foreign encryption controls. You will meet and learn from experts in encryption controls across a number of key jurisdictions, including the U.S., China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, France and Russia. Note - CompTIA members are entitled to a 10% discount. Contact Ken Montgomery, kmontgomery@comptia.org for details.
March 28-29, 2019
CompTIA Location:
San Francisco, CA
International Technology Transfers, Clo...
Distinct from other export controls conferences, this forum centers aroundoperationalizing and addressing distinctive compliance risks stemming fromintangible exports, including cloud computing; technical collaboration; R&D;social media; email usage; and foreign national employment. As exporters embrace and implement bleeding edge technologies, the risk of a violation and subsequent enforcement action is at an all-time high – you...
February 6-7, 2019
CompTIA Location:
Washington, DC
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