797 past events found
+ 3 upcoming events found
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Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation
Benefits Storm water regulations are constantly evolving - have your practices evolved with them? From recent litigation to changing permitting standards, failing to stay on top of current issues related to storm water regulation is risky. In this seminar, you'll get answers to all your questions, such as: What new case and policy decisions impact my practices? What are the latest trends in the water quality arena? Here is your chance to learn...
December 4, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Henderson, NV
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Current Issues in Cell Tower Leases and...
Benefits The wireless industry has built more than 250,000 cell sites in the United States in the past 20 years. But many more cell sites are needed as iPhones™, iPads™, Droids and the like strain existing network capacity with data, email, computer and video applications. New cell sites and significant modifications to existing cell sites will also be needed due to the government's goal of using wireless to increase broadband spee...
December 3, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast
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Direct Cost Accounting and Indirect Cos...
Benefits This live audio conference will help you deepen your understanding of direct cost accounting and indirect allocation rules, risks and best practices to achieve compliance with accounting requirements and maximize cost reimbursement. Agenda Overview Key Not-For-Profit Direct Cost Accounting Requirements and Indirect Cost Allocation Requirements Cost Accounting Audit Requirements, Risks, Exposures and Emerging Enforcement Trends Implica...
December 3, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast
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Direct Cost Accounting and Indirect Cos...
Benefits This live audio conference will help you deepen your understanding of direct cost accounting and indirect allocation rules, risks and best practices to achieve compliance with accounting requirements and maximize cost reimbursement. Agenda Overview Key Not-For-Profit Direct Cost Accounting Requirements and Indirect Cost Allocation Requirements Cost Accounting Audit Requirements, Risks, Exposures and Emerging Enforcement Trends Implica...
December 3, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast
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What You Need to Know About Vacuum Sewers
Benefits There are several alternatives for consideration to provide sanitary sewerage for municipal services. While gravity sanitary sewers may be the preferred solution, flat terrain, shallow groundwater or rock can increase construction cost prohibitively. Typically gravity sewers can extend (at 0.4% slope) for only 2,000 feet in flat terrain (8' drop) before a lift station is required. If houses have basements or groundwater/rock are issue...
November 29, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast
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Understanding Platting Technical Requirements
Benefits Even though the platting process may vary from state to state several of the same issues with technical requirements apply. Many individuals working with platting requirements may only be familiar with their portion of the review process. In this live audio conference we will explore the basic platting design requirements and how each agency involved is a vital part of the entire solution. We will define many of the commonly used term...
November 29, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast
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Current Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing
Benefits With the United States having an estimated 100 year's worth of undeveloped gas reserves, the exploration for and the extraction of natural gas from shale formations throughout the United States have taken the forefront in the oil and gas industry, but not without some controversy. There is great controversy and concern over the methods and chemicals used to extract gas from shale formations, especially the use of hydraulic fracturing....
November 13, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast, WI
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Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation
Benefits Save money by avoiding costly mistakes in storm water management. From recent enforcement to changing permitting standards, failing to stay on top of current issues related to storm water regulation is risky. In this seminar, you will get answers to all your questions, such as: What new case and policy decisions impact my practices? What are the latest trends in the water quality arena? Here is your chance to learn - in just one day -...
November 8, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Fargo, ND
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Private Foundation Requirements and Res...
Benefits Working with private foundations, whether you are an attorney, accountant, other advisor, or a staff member, requires that you have at least a basic understanding of the regulatory environment in which the foundations operate. It is important to learn the current developments affecting charitable giving and private foundations and how to avoid pitfalls that can lead to penalties for failure to comply with the applicable IRS provisions...
November 8, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast, WI
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Dealing With the Impact of Foreclosures...
Benefits This live audio conference will help local officials, real estate professionals, mortgage lenders and property owners better understand and manage foreclosures and vacant property. Suggested strategies will focus on protecting and maintaining community and neighborhood value. Foreclosures and resulting vacancies threaten value and quality of life, but also present opportunities to improve processes and systems that can pay off in the...
November 7, 2012
Organizer: Lorman Education Services
Location: Webcast, WI
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