Making Shared Services Work
Benefits Local governments across the country are looking for more efficient ways to deliver services in these lean times. In addition to internal budget and efficiency initiatives, many governments are looking to partner with other governments or the private sector in an effort to reduce costs while maintaining service quality. These approaches include contracting, privatization, functional consolidations, collaboration, asset sales, and the...
GASB 45 Strategies
Benefits This live audio conference is critical for any governmental employer with other post-employment benefits (OPEB) liabilities. The program will provide vital information and planning techniques that will enable employers to avoid the potentially disastrous consequences of failing to identify, control and fund its OPEB liabilities. Most states, municipalities and governmental agencies are aware that they are required to comply with GASB...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regulations
Benefits Discover how to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can. attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You will find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement p...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Benefits Uncertain how public records and open meetings laws apply to you? Find out what Utah law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent developments in the int...
Bikeway Design Principles, Planning, an...
Benefits Bicycling is gaining popularity in the United States as a recreational activity and a utilitarian mode of transportation. By expanding their bikeway networks, cities throughout the US have increased bicycle ridership and broadened the transportation options available in their community. However, significant barriers to bicycling keep many could-be riders off of their bikes. Additionally, limited transportation funding hinders the impl...
Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation
Benefits Save money by avoiding costly mistakes in storm water management. From recent litigation to changing permitting standards, failing to stay on top of current issues related to storm water regulation is risky. In this seminar, you will get answers to all your questions, such as: What new case and policy decisions impact my practices? and, What are the latest trends in the water quality arena? Here is your chance to learn - in just one d...
Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation
Benefits Save money by avoiding costly mistakes in storm water management. Are you ready for the next rainy day? From recent litigation to changing permitting standards, failing to stay on top of current issues related to storm water regulation is risky. In this seminar, you will get answers to all your questions, such as: What new case and policy decisions impact my practices? What are the latest trends in the water quality arena? Here is you...
Public Contracts and Procurement Regulations
Benefits Discover how to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You'll find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement pr...
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans...
Benefits Cities, states and the EPA are placing new emphasis on storm water discharges from industrial facilities, construction sites and municipalities. They are conducting storm water pollution prevention plan inspections at industrial facilities and construction sites. Some of these inspections have resulted in storm water violations with fines. Nationwide, storm water is a leading source of water pollution and consequently, EPA is moving f...
Current Issues in Storm Water Regulatio...
Benefits Storm water regulations are constantly evolving - are your practices up-to-date? Failing to keep up with the changes in the latest storm water regulations and with the New York State Storm Water Design Manual will leave you unprepared in the water quality arena. Attend this seminar and learn about significant recent changes that require designers, planners and regulators to employ 'green techniques' where standard storm water manageme...
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