How To Promote Your Business In The Gov...
How To Promote Your Business In The Government Market (Image And Marketing) REGISTER HERE Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals. CLASS TIME: Every T...
Medical Simulation Expo at Defense Heal...
Join NCSI for an In-Agency Event Medical Simulation Expo at Defense Health Agency (DHA) August 3, 2023 Each year NCSI produces over 100 tabletop technology expos at U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence and Federal Agency locations around the world including the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Ramstein Air Base, and the Defense Intelligence Agency to name just a few. Our technology expos are typically four (4) hours in duration and a...
Make The First Step In Government Contracting
Make The First Step In Government ContractingREGISTER HERE If you own a business that you want to expand from the commercial market to the government market, then this training session is for you. The government is the largest customer in the world and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your business by working with Uncle Sam. When: Thursday, A...
Networking, Email Strategies and More T...
Networking, Email Strategies and More To Make You More Effective In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE This week’s lab is set up to help you understand who you should be marketing to as you set yourself up to win government contracts. LAB TOPIC: What is a Dream 100? How do you find each type of contact for your Dream 100? Agencies Contracting Officers Large Primes Teaming Partners Small Busi...
Registering To Become A Government Vend...
Registering To Become A Government Vendor To Grow Your Business In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals. CLAS...
Learn Essential Tools And Techniques To...
Learn Essential Tools And Techniques To Advance Your Business InGovernment Contracting--2 Day Boot Camp (online) REGISTER HERE WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING BOOT CAMP? Imagine learning 3 years of government contracting knowledge in 2 Days. This immersive BOOT CAMP on government contracting prepares your company to ramp up for government opportunities. You will walk away with a full understandin...
TEST DISA/Joint Service Provider (JSP)...
Calling all technology providers! DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) and JSP (Joint Service Provider) are seeking "trusted partnerships" to better manage all the IT and cybersecurity services inside the Department of Defense. At DISA/JSP's 2023 Cybersecurity Forum, attendees will examine the agencies' cybersecurity readiness, learn better security practices, complete trainings and look for technologies that can connect and protect warfi...
DISA/Joint Service Provider (JSP) Cyber...
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) and JSP (Joint Service Provider) are seeking "trusted partnerships" to better manage all the IT and cybersecurity services inside the Department of Defense. At DISA/JSP's 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Forum, attendees will examine the agencies' cybersecurity readiness, learn better security practices, complete trainings and look for technologies that can connect and protect warfighters in cyberspace. Ca...
Short And Long Term Strategies In Gover...
Short And Long Term Strategies In Government Contracting(Strategy Lab) REGISTER HERE This interactive lab explores different strategies to win government contracts. These strategies will depend on the several factors such as long term goals, industry, age of business, financial resources, size of your team, current business relationships and other factors. “If you don’t know where you...
INTERFACE Montana 2023
WELCOME TO INTERFACE Montana 2023! IT Infrastructure is constantly changing, bringing more new challenges with it every day. From ransomware and the latest security threats to needs for increased bandwidth and storage, it’s nearly impossible to keep up to date. Our conference is designed to help. We’ve assembled a combination of Best-in-Breed hardware and software solutions, along with local experts and organizations, to help educa...
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