Breaking The Code On Government Contracting
If you own a business that you want to expand from the commercial market to the government market, then this training session is for you. The government is the largest customer in the world and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your business by working with Uncle Sam. Who Should Attend: Existing business owners interested in expanding in the government market, Any business interested in...
Military Officer Job Fair
To protect the health and safety of attendees, this event has been moved to online-only due to COVID-19 concerns. You are invited to attend our Virtual Military Officer Job Fair from 10 am to 2:00 pm (EDT) on July 24, and December 4, 2020. At the job fair, you can meet one-on-one (via text chats) with dozens of employers in a wide range of fields. All types of jobs. Local and nationwide career opportunities!
GovForward: Multicloud Series
FedRAMP Policy & Marketplace Update With more cloud-based services and solutions built to support agencies with their missions, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) assures that these offerings match the government’s rigorous security and compliance requirements. In this year’s GovForward™: Multicloud Series, FedRAMP leaders, government executives and industry experts will convene to discuss the...
What Everyone Needs to Know About Money...
Training Federal Employees Since 1984 NITP offers training seminars on Federal Benefits, Financial Planning, Thrift Savings Plan Options/Investments for employees at all stages of their Federal careers: Early-Career Employees, Mid-Career Employees, and Pre-Retirement Employees. Too often we hear “wish I knew this sooner” from people hoping to retire. Join Karen Schaeffer, Certified Financial Planner®, as she walks you through t...
Gartner Program & Portfolio Management Summit
To protect the health and safety of attendees, this event has been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. In this age of continuous change, only those with an agile and adaptive mindset can survive. At Gartner Program & Portfolio Management Summit 2020, June 23 – 25, in Orlando, FL, you learn why evolved paradigms, continuous learning and renewed skill sets are vitally important for PPM leaders, and how to engage across the enterprise to...
reStart Nationwide Cleared Virtual Care...
Due to the recent spread of COVID-19 and changes in some companies employment structure, some individuals have found themselves looking for new opportunities, some of you are in the middle of a transition from the military, and some are curious to see what positions may be available in your field.... If you or someone one you know are in any of these situations, we organized the following event to help people connect with companies that are hi...
Expanding Your Business Through Governm...
Expanding Your Business Through Government Contracts (Learn how to expand your business from the commercial market into the Government Market) Guess who is still spending billions. When the commercial market slows down or is recovering from a recession, Uncle Sam is still spending billions. The government is the largest customer in the world, and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your bu...
Accelerating Development of Edge AI
Webinar Presentation Lengthy product development cycles have always constrained Edge AI and autonomous machine design. That’s about to change. A new embedded platform from NVIDIA opens up possibilities with a suite of modules that offer better size vs. power capabilities for AI projects. Join AUVSI and Connect Tech to meet NVIDIA’s Jetson Xavier™ NX, explore its best use cases, and learn how to reduce application development...
June 24, 2020
AUVSI Location:
In the Beginning: The Initial Thoughts...
We often find ourselves overly involved in the “end game” of the Government contracting process. How much more equipped would your company be if you better understood the upfront processes, the how and the why of the planning process. Being able to efficiently digest the complete life cycle will without a doubt, assist you in being more thoroughly informed on the back end. Who are the people that allocate the dollars and develop t...
Corporate Gray Military-Friendly Job Fair
To protect the health and safety of attendees, this event has been moved to online-only due to COVID-19 concerns. New Date: 6/19/2020 This Corporate Gray Military-Friendly Job Fair allows transitioning and former military personnel and civilians the opportunity to meet face-to-face with employers seeking candidates with military experience. Event is free to all job seekers. This event is held at the Waterford Reception Center in Springfield, V...
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