Legistar: The Basics of Creating an Age...
This webinar will review the basics of navigating the Legistar Files module and creating an agenda item. We will also review specific aspects of Local Settings. Creating an agenda item in Legistar is often referred to as Drafting a file.
February 18, 2020
Granicus Location:
Peak Agenda: OP/GT/Peak/iLegislate Workflow
During this we will be taken through the entire Legislative workflow which include pre/during/post meeting tasks and demonstrations for Agenda Coordinators. *Open Platform, Government Transparency, Peak Agenda, iLegislate solution.
February 17, 2020
Granicus Location:
Public Meeting Matchmaker: Why Clerks ...
Discover why it’s love at first click with Send Agenda. You asked for it. We delivered. With a single click, you can now send more agendas to more people than ever before FOR FREE! Clerks do more than publish public meeting agendas online. You’re also the go-to when the community, journalists, or council members can’t find the answers they want. It’s a lot of busywork UNLESS you have Send Agenda, powered by govDelivery....
February 14, 2020
Granicus Location:
Expanding Your Business with Government...
Expanding Your Business With Government Contracting If you own a business that you want to expand from the commercial market to the government market, then this training session is for you. The government is the largest customer in the world and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your business by working with Uncle Sam. Who Should Attend: Existing business owners interested in expanding i...
Join us for our weekly demo series where our product engineers will walk you through our suite of solutions. This week will focus on Granicus govAccess, custom, user-friendly website design for government.The interactive presentation will showcase the website solution millions of citizens use to process payments, schedule appointments, renew licenses and find community information.Topics covered include: Improving Usability with Service Finder...
February 13, 2020
Granicus Location:
govDelivery Advanced Bulletin Training...
We offer weekly live training sessions for the most commonly used features in govDelivery. These training sessions last roughly an hour and are conducted by a member of our Training Team. Using GotoWebinar, you'll be able to view the computer screen of our training leader as they walk you through important tasks and functions within govDelivery. You can check your system settings at any time before the session using the following link to ensur...
February 13, 2020
Granicus Location:
IQM2: Agenda Wizard
This webinar will show users how to put together an Agenda. How to add items to the agenda, how to save a default outline etc. We will also show how to publish and distribute the Agenda and Packet.
February 13, 2020
Granicus Location:
NIH Tech Day
The nation's medical research agency - the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - has a massive campus running cutting edge research and development, supported heavily by advanced technology and innovation. With this comes a unique audience of scientists and personnel with special applications. Reach them face-to-face at NIH Tech Day! All personnel on the NIH campus receive FBC's wide-reaching promotions for this exciting event. Now's the time...
govDelivery API Office Hour
Learn about Application Programming Interface (API) and what Granicus offers to our clients. This office hour will provide an opportunity to ask a Granicus staff about APIs and various integrations.
February 12, 2020
Granicus Location:
Make A "Love" Connection (February Asso...
MAKE A “LOVE” CONNECTION (FEBRUARY ASSOCIATION MIXER) Looking for a new business partner, business opportunity, a job, or just looking to meet great new people? Then you want to come make a lasting “love” connection at this speed networking event. The Government Contractors Association is membership-based organization whose mission is to educate, facilitate, and advocate for business owners to win government contracts....
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