Industry Communication Day: ODNI ...
PART I: January 28, 2016: Technology Opportunities in the IC Community Briefing with Dr. David Honey, Director, S&T, Office of the Director of National Intelligence PART II: March 2016: Smashing the Box event – presentations The Government Technology & Services Coalition (GTSC) will host an industry communication day for companies interested in understanding the ODNI and IC community technology needs. Dr. David Honey will discuss...
Government Contractor Ethics Certification
Every business must train their employees to behave ethically -- and GTSC is here to MAKE IT EASY! Attend and send all of your employees to this training to get your annual ethics training certification. Please note: Attendance is required for the entire session. There is a sign-in and sign-out sheet that must have your signature on both lines to receive certification. Doing business with the federal government requires a heightened level of...
GTSC MEGA Matchmaking for Government Co...
GTSC MEGA MATCHMAKING "What a fabulous event yesterday!!! The matchmaking was one- if not the best one- I have been to. Everyone I was set up with had a need for DAI's type of work-the back corner networking led to meeting three companies I could potentially work with-NGA representative is looking for companies that fit our capabilities-some great connections!" --Dr. Sheri Dougherty, President, DAI Tentative Schedule: 8:30 am Continential Brea...
Interoperability & Collaboration: Acros...
Join us for a dynamic presentation and round table discussion featuring keynote Edward F. Davis, III, former police commissioner of the Boston Police Department. Commissioner Davis will discuss the role of interoperability between federal, state and local first responders – as well as the private sector – during first response and investigative efforts of the Boston Marathon massacre in 2013. Commissioner Davis will explore best pr...
Capacity Building: Best Practices in Co...
Join GTSC for a Capacity Building session focused on assuring you don't learn the hard lessons on your own skin! Repeated project delays and cost overruns in Government contracts have turned the spotlight onto core issues of supplier selection, supplier integrity and supplier competence. Increasingly, Government agencies will test for a supplier's capability to define and meet their contracted commitments - and this will include the need to de...
GTSC Insight Session with Michele Leonh...
Join the Government Technology & Services Coalition to hear about the mission, challenges and priorities for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. Guest Speaker: Michele Leonhardt Administrator U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency February 19, 2014 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM REGISTER REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED
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