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Peak Series CIO Breakfast Featuring Chr...
NOTE: We strongly encourage prompt registration -particularly for small business participants. Recognized as one of the most productive forums in the government contracting arena, the Peak Series CIO Breakfast is a focused small business contracting and business development forum aligning small business contracting pursuits with actual agency initiatives and challenges as related directly by the office of the CIO. ***** A full plated breakfast...
July 28, 2011
Organizer: Mountaintop Marketing Group, LLC
Location: Virtual
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Leading With Courage
We read books and watch movies about great war-time commanders, adventurers and founding fathers, and fantasize about being the same inspirational leaders. Yet all around us every day, leaders and managers all around us are inspiring us with similar acts of courage . They command a devoted following by their teams and are followed by top performers from one company to another. Whether they know it or not these leaders are tapping into leadersh...
July 13, 2011
Organizer: MSB Coach, LLC
Location: Virtual
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Government Contracting: Risks and Rewar...
The government is increasingly investing in cloud computing. Although commercial industry is "a buzz" with talk of cloud computing considerations, these considerations become even more acute when coupled with the complex government contracting business, compliance and regulatory regime. In order to tap into the vast market for cloud services, your company must know the rules of the game in order to develop your best strategy for capitalizing o...
June 23, 2011
Organizer: w.j.technologies, llc
Location: Reston, VA
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How to Reach Your Leadership Potential
High performing leaders recognize that they can create change for themselves. Your life is shaped largely by your beliefs, and limiting beliefs can prevent you from reaching your goals. Accomplishing more is not a matter of working harder but thinking differently. In changing the way you think, you can change the way you act. Register at:
June 15, 2011
Organizer: MSB Coach, LLC
Location: Webcast
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SAP Task Force Briefing [#B2GEDU]
SAP Task Force Briefing Federal agencies leverage multiple acquisition methods to acquire the goods and services needed to support mission-related activities and business operations and your knowledge of these methods and how and when they are implemented are among the factors that determine your chances of success. In FY2010 federal agencies processed over 600K contract actions totaling nearly $11B using Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SA...
June 1, 2011
Organizer: The Ameican Small Business Coalition, LLC
Location: Tysons, VA
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Federal Contractors Roundtable - Tysons...
The Federal Contractors Roundtable provides a highly-relevant forum where business leaders and industry professionals can discuss current and upcoming legislative, agency-specific policy and regulatory changes impacting how they find and win government sector business. This Month's Topic: Getting the Meeting - Who, Why and What Works? You can spend every waking moment going to meeting after meeting without netting tangible results. Who are the...
May 27, 2011
Organizer: The American Small Business Coalition, LLC
Location: McLean, VA
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Federal Contractors Roundtable - Reston...
The Federal Contractors Roundtable provides a highly-relevant forum where business leaders and industry professionals can discuss current and upcoming legislative, agency-specific policy and regulatory changes impacting how they find and win government sector business. This Month's Topic: Getting the Meeting - Who, Why and What Works? You can spend every waking moment going to meeting after meeting without netting tangible results. Who are the...
May 13, 2011
Organizer: The American Small Business Coalition, LLC
Location: Reston, VA
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The ASBC's of Government Contracting [#...
The ASBC's of Government Contracting™ provides practical and up-to-date information on running a business and finding and winning business as a government contractor and subcontractor. Topics presented are selected based on information collected through ongoing surveys and member feedback, and are presented by Industry veterans and current and former Government officials sharing their acquired experiences. The goal? Delivering accurate a...
May 12, 2011
Organizer: The American Small Business Coalition, LLC
Location: Reston, VA
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Federal Contractors Roundtable - DC (5/...
The Federal Contractors Roundtable provides a highly-relevant forum where business leaders and industry professionals can discuss current and upcoming legislative, agency-specific policy and regulatory changes impacting how they find and win government sector business. This Month's Topic:Getting the Meeting - Who, Why and What Works? You can spend every waking moment going to meeting after meeting without netting tangible results. Who are the...
May 10, 2011
Organizer: The American Small Business Coalition, LLC
Location: Washington, DC
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SAP Task Force Briefing [#B2GEDU]
SAP Task Force Briefing Federal agencies leverage multiple acquisition methods to acquire the goods and services needed to support mission-related activities and business operations and your knowledge of these methods and how and when they are implemented are among the factors that determine your chances of success. In FY2010 federal agencies processed over 600K contract actions totaling nearly $11B using Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SA...
May 4, 2011
Organizer: The Ameican Small Business Coalition, LLC
Location: Tysons, VA
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