Cloud Computing and Network Services Sy...
Exploiting the Cloud for Defense, Intelligence and Homeland Security The federal government has embarked on an ambitious plan to transform IT acquisition and management, with a goal of instituting cloud computing in every federal agency to provide on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable resources that can be quickly established and quickly dismantled. The savings in DoD, IC, and DHS IT spending could total more than twenty percent of...
Efficiently Maintain and Improve Your I...
Proper management of intellectual capital is key to the success of any economic development organization. Move away from using spreadsheets or older apps that aren't easy to use. Maintaining and improving contact information, key metrics, and lead sources are critical to increasing both employment and capital investment. To achieve these goals effective strategy development and technology deployment are necessary. Since 2003 Conrin has been do...
Salesforce1 World Tour - Chicago
Welcome to the Internet of Customers. Join us for this complimentary event to experience the all new Salesforce1 Customer Platform in Chicago on Thursday, April 24. See how you can connect your apps, devices, and customer data, all with one powerful Customer Platform designed for the new hyper-connected world of customers. Learn firsthand from leading customers how to sell, service, and market like never before. Register today for this day of...
Detect and Remediate Advanced Targeted...
Despite huge investments in anti-virus software, next-generation firewalls, and IPS platforms, agencies are still getting hacked. The new generation of advanced targeted attacks bypasses traditional defenses and puts sensitive data at risk. It takes just minutes from the time an organization is compromised to the exfiltration of sensitive data. What's needed is a security solution that can detect and block advanced and sophisticated threats wh...
Hybrid Cloud Management: Red Hat CloudForms
Red Hat CloudForms - Manage Your Virtual, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures Focused on gaining control of your virtualization environment? Need to build and manage a private or hybrid cloud? Red Hat® CloudForms can meet your needs today with a comprehensive management platform to do both. As your needs change, CloudForms evolves, protecting your investment and providing a continuum of capabilities as you progress toward Infrastruct...
Webcast Series: How the Government is U...
We invite you to join us for a series of webcasts, designed specifically to highlight how the government is utilizing Open Source solutions. During this webcast series, our featured vendors will discuss: Success stories of how government agencies have met their digital initiative goals Advantages of Open Source code management software Risk characterization of software vendor products, supply chains and assets Enabling government agencies to i...
F5 Gov TechTalk: Secure Your Applicatio...
Authentication, application security, and remote access are a challenge to supporting an agency's enterprise and its customers, whether you have legacy or enterprise applications. F5 improves application performance and simplifies enterprise architecture, while reducing the total cost of ownership of your solution. Join F5 Networks for this complimentary TechTalk to learn about: Application Centric Infrastructure SharePoint & Lync Solution...
Health COOPsHIX-Cloud Application Devel...
A New Government Experience for Health COOPsHIX-Cloud Application Development & Engagement Centers - Featuring CoStratusInsure Does your agency provide the level of service that the American public wants and deserves when making Health Care Decisions? Join us for this complimentary webinar to understand how leading government innovators in Health Co-ops and State Health Insurance Exchanges are leveraging Salesforce's Cloud Application Deve...
Next Generation Push-To-Talk for Mobile...
Each day our jobs become more mobile - whether we are in the office, between facilities, or traveling across the country. Constantly being mobile makes voice communications difficult and time-consuming for everyone. Voxer Business is targeted to seamlessly address the communication challenges of mobile workers. It supports traditional Push-To-Talk (PTT) users engaged in facilities management, transportation, or operations by delivering hands-f...
Government & Military Smart Grid ...
Over 20 Leading Experts from: DUSD/I&E, ASN/I&E, ASA IE&E, OPNAV N45, ARL, Army/MEP, ARPA-E/DOE, PEO-Ships/USN, SPAWAR,Army ERDC/CERL, HQ USAF Civil Engineer, EPSA/DOE, NETL/DOE, Constellation Energy, Sandia Natl Lab, Idaho Natl Lab, S&C Electric, Energetics & McCoy Consulting Special Presentations by: ■ The Honorable Dennis McGinn, SES, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Energy Installations & Environment ■ T...
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