Multi Agency Day at L'Enfant Plaza
FBC is excited to announce the Multi-Agency Technology and Vendor Expo at L'Enfant Plaza is back in-person! Hundreds of employees from FAA, USPS, NTSB, HUD, and the Department of Energy will all be in attendance. This is a multi-agency event and, while each agency has a different mission, all are related by their civilian agency status. Ideally located between the National Mall and the Southwest Waterfront, L’Enfant Plaza is located with...
Navy Nuclear Submarine & Aircraft Carri...
NDIA Delaware Valley Chapter will be holding its third annual Naval Suppliers Conference. This conference is for the defense manufacturers that supply components to the Virginia Class, Columbia Class and Ford Class shipbuilding programs and shipbuilders, as well as related International Naval programs. In addition, Defense MOU Attachés Group (DMAG) leadership will be participating to promote effective defense equipment co-operations and...
Government Contracting Learn the Import...
Government Contracting Learn the Importance of Certifications and Business Programs Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals. CLASS TIME: Every Thursday after...
The Building Blocks of a Cloud Security...
Tune into this session, presented by Boleaum Inc. founder Vincent Amanyi, to learn the critical components involved in order to craft security strategies for the cloud environment. Attendees will come away from this webinar with these key takeaways: Define what matters to them within a cloud security strategy. The right technology and tools to build up their strategy. Frame their environment based on growing business applications. Partner with...
Fed Expo National Capitol Region Techno...
FBC is excited to announce the FedExpo event is back in-person! This event is held at the Capitol Holiday Inn connected to the FEMA HQ building, which provides easy access for government attendees, and is across the street from several major agencies. The event location is within a complex that includes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department of State. Agenci...
INTERFACE Seattle 2022
WELCOME TO INTERFACE Seattle 2022! IT Infrastructure is constantly changing, bringing more new challenges with it every day. From ransomware and the latest security threats to needs for increased bandwidth and storage, it’s nearly impossible to keep up to date. Our conference is designed to help. We’ve assembled a combination of Best-in-Breed hardware and software solutions, along with local experts and organizations, to help educa...
Government Contracting-Building Your Ca...
Building Your Capture Management Strategy Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals. CLASS TIME: Every Thursday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm EST/11am to 1pm PST L...
Turn Your Government Contracting Wish L...
Turn Your Government Contracting Wish List Into Reality In 2023 If you own a business that you want to expand from the commercial market to the government market, then this training session is for you. The government is the largest customer in the world and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your business by working with Uncle Sam. When: Thursday, Dec...
Government Contracting Marketing Lab--U...
Government Contracting Marketing Lab Understand The Marketing Process In The Government Sector This week’s lab is set up to help you understand the marketing process in the government sector. LAB TOPIC: Review attendee Dream 100s Review attendee marketing emails Email marketing Strategies Who to contact What you not allowed to do Networking rules Networking events Phone strategies Associations SUBMIT...
Government Contracting--Learning To Spe...
Government Contracting Learning To Speak Governese And Understanding The Procurement Process (Education and Contract Vehicles) Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to pass the CCM Exam and to become certified professionals. Also, these classes are open to all GCA memb...
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