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5 Factors for Federal Agencies to Consi...
Five years after the OMB “Cloud First” policy was issued, only a small percentage of federal agencies have successfully moved to the Cloud. Join Us to learn how a number of federal agencies are making progress in their Cloud journey. We will discuss how you can deliver more effective mission results by considering five key factors: 1. Establishing the value proposition 2. Building Cloud strategy and momentum 3. Procurement consider...
May 5, 2016
Organizer: SAP NS2 Government Team at Carahsoft Technology Corp.
Location: Webcast
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SAP Federal Forum: Transforming Governm...
The primary objectives of government haven’t changed for hundreds – even thousands – of years. Simply put, a government must provide for and protect its citizens, enabling them to prosper. But meeting those core obligations in a world that is rapidly changing is increasingly challenging, and technology has become critical. In order to fully harness the power of tech, government organizations need to reimagine models, redefine...
March 15, 2016
Organizer: SAP
Location: Washington, DC
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Reduce, Refresh, Restrict with SAP Test...
Cost-effectively provide up-to-date production data for test landscapes Agencies need systems for testing, quality assurance, development, training, and sandbox purposes. For these non-production systems to yield worthwhile results, up-to-date data replicated from production systems must be supplied. The SAP Test Data Migration Server (TDMS) allows you to create lean and secure environments for non-production systems using live business data f...
January 20, 2016
Organizer: SAP Government Team at Carahsoft Technology Corp.
Location: Webcast
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B2G & Commercial Cyber Forum: Importanc...
Be our guest! Join Winvale on January 12, 2016, as our guest at the Breach Planning & Incident Response Summit hosted by The Chesapeake Regional Technology Council. Winvale guests are eligible to attend free of charge with our exclusive discount code: "CRTCWinvale." Engaging with the correct parties within law enforcement, general counsel and vendor companies is vital for organizations when hit by a cyber attack. This summit will examine b...
January 12, 2016
Organizer: Winvale
Location: Odenton, MD
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BusinessObjects Administration Intellig...
Must-see Demo for BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Software Administrators Is it taking you forever to manage role-based access to your business intelligence software? When your auditor needs access controls updates, is it a pain to pull together all the documentation? When one of your users accidentally deletes a folder or report from their personal folder, how easy or fast is it to bring their content back? View our complimentary on-dem...
December 3, 2015
Organizer: SAP Government Team at Carahsoft
Location: Webcast
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Cyber Security Challenges Facing SAP Pu...
Cyber attacks at the federal and state level continue to intensify and drive policy and procedure requirements for information security. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has indicated that their top policy and technology issues facing state government in 2015 is security. View our on-demand webcast sponsored by Carahsoft Technology and SAP National Security Services to learn the current cyber security risks...
July 23, 2015
Organizer: SAP NS2 Government Team at Carahsoft
Location: Webcast
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Sustainability Intelligence: Capitalize...
View our on-demand webcast hosted by Donna McIntire from the U.S. Department of State to see how your agency can: Jump start your agency initiatives using the U.S. Department of State (DoS) sustainability dashboards as a foundation Analyze your "triple bottom line" (People/Profit/Planet) to improve and sustain performance Save taxpayer dollars through the discovery of actionable insights, such as: "Energy consumption could be cut by an estimat...
July 7, 2015
Organizer: SAP Government Team at Carahsoft
Location: Webcast
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SAP Federal Forum: Simplify to Innovate
Complexity = Cost. Simplicity = Savings. And savings fund innovations. It has become obvious that government agencies must embrace technology and simplify at every level if they are going to compete with the innovation driving the private sector and deliver the 24x7 convenience that citizens expect and demand in their lives. Join us for the SAP Federal Forum at the historic Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., The event will feature lea...
March 11-12, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
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3rd Annual SAP NS2 Solutions Summit: De...
The U.S. national security mission faces unprecedented complexities — from known adversaries to emerging threats, cyber and insider threats, floods of data, and shrinking budgets. SAP NS2 understands these challenges and delivers world-class technology solutions that radically improve both the mission performance and the "business" of U.S. national security. Join us at Solutions Summit 2014 to learn how our team – 100% U.S.-based a...
October 30, 2014
Organizer: SAP National Security Services (NS2)
Location: Falls Church, VA
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The Future of Army National Guard Data-...
Many defense organizations lack a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) solution due to the explosion in enterprise data, and others still only use BI to create and run reports. It’s now possible to make better defense decisions, with the addition of innovative abilities in the latest BI software. Drive Your BI Strategy ForwardToday, leading defense organizations are using BI to find answers "in the moment" by seizing opportunities an...
July 29, 2014
Organizer: SAP Government Team at Carahsoft
Location: Webcast
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