Advanced Proposal Management - Bid ...
This class covers the spectrum of the most important topics, from preparing for a proposal effort and making a bid-no-bid decision, to orchestrating a great proposal kickoff, driving subject matter experts to produce winning content, exhibiting superb leadership and management skills, optimizing proposal team performance, getting the most from the proposal color reviews, and mitigating proposal risks at every stage to reduce stress and increas...
Desktop Publishing for Proposal Profess...
This workshop teaches valuable skills in designing, laying out, and publishing proposals—presenting your company’s offer in the most professional light to the proposal evaluators. The course begins with a foundation in the tools and features MS Word offers to the desktop publisher, and shortcuts to increase speed and efficiency. The course advances into the selection of color palette and styles, tables of contents, headers and foot...
Corporate Gray Military-Friendly Job Fair
This Corporate Gray Military-Friendly Job Fair allows transitioning and former military personnel and civilians the opportunity to meet face-to-face with employers seeking candidates with military experience. Event is free to all Job Seekers. This event is held at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Free employment seminar at 8:00 am.
Proposal Graphics Conceptualization and...
It is impossible to imagine modern sales and marketing without visual elements—and proposals are no different. Graphics serve as one of the most important proposal persuasion elements. Professional graphics artists are not the only ones who need to learn how to conceptualize and design persuasive proposal graphics. It also happens to be an indispensable skill for capture managers, proposal managers, and proposal writers. Desktop publishe...
GSA Post-Award Training Seminar: Stayin...
Global Services offers a 3-hour comprehensive post-award training seminar to assist our customers in complying with and maximizing their GSA Schedule. The seminar is designed to provide attendees with all the tools necessary to successfully utilize their GSA Schedule and to understand and fulfill all contractual obligations. The seminar offers an in-depth review of compliance issues, modifications, and overall contract administration. In addit...
25th Annual FBC Hawaii Information Tech...
2018 will mark the 25th consecutive year that FBC will coordinate our annual Hawaii Information Technology (IT) Day Series on Oahu, HI. Since 1993 FBC has been conducting its annual Technology Day Series at the major military installations on Oahu. In that time, we have conducted over 120 expositions, cybersecurity days and forums on-island and these events have become a yearly fixture. These events have a successful history of bringing togeth...
March 8-13, 2018
FBC, Inc. Location:
Multiple Cities, HI
Camp Smith - HQ USPACOM
Join us during the 25th Annual FBC Hawaii Technology Day Series for our Technology Day at Camp Smith on Friday, March 9, 2018. This annual series of technology days takes place at six military bases around the island of Oahu, HI. These events have a successful history of bringing together the islands DoD personnel, employees, and contractors with industry partners to share information on some of the latest advancements in the areas of Informa...
March 9, 2018
FBC, Inc. Location:
Camp Smith, HI
Join us during the 25th Annual FBC Hawaii Technology Day Series for our Technology Day at JBPHH Wahiawa Annex - NCTAMS PAC - NSA Hawaii on Thursday, March 8, 2018. This annual series of technology days takes place at six military bases around the island of Oahu, HI. These events have a successful history of bringing together the islands DoD personnel, employees, and contractors with industry partners to share information on some of the latest...
March 8, 2018
FBC, Inc. Location:
Wahiawa, HI
Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH)
Join us during the 25th Annual FBC Hawaii Technology Day Series for our Technology Day at JBPHH on Wednesday, March 7, 2018. This annual series of technology days takes place at six military bases around the island of Oahu, HI. These events have a successful history of bringing together the islands DoD personnel, employees, and contractors with industry partners to share information on some of the latest advancements in the areas of Informatio...
March 7, 2018
FBC, Inc. Location:
Hickam, HI
Developing a Winning Cost Volume - Bid...
It’s a given – price is the most important part of the offer. This is especially true in the days when Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) rules, and even when it is a Best Value procurement, the lowest bidder will most likely get the award. Most companies, however, miss the most important elements of process and deliverable for the cost volume, and fail to shine in an area where they could dominate. Manage the cost volume e...
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