Leave Management Policies and Practices...
Employer paid time off has long been a benefit to workers in most industries. In the public sector, however, many policies and practices are outdated and vulnerable to unexpected costs and liabilities. For example, many state governments still allow the accumulation of paid time off with little to no cap. This can result in often large payouts upon retirement or resignation. States and localities are beginning to take a close look at their pol...
2021 Fire Investigation Training Program
Our 2021 4-Day Fire Investigation Training Program offers a broad overview of NFPA 921 and Fire Investigation concepts. This program is suitable both for newer investigators and for more advanced students. Lectures will include: Fire Chemistry Fire Dynamics Heat & Flame Vector Analysis Origin Matrix Fire Scene Safety NFPA Code Making Process Origin and Cause Determination Diagramming the Fire Scene Basic Photography for the Fire Investigat...
Intangibles when Building out your DevS...
Hear from your peers during this interactive panel discussion! Application Security (AppSec) programs are critical to preventing costly and damaging breaches or cyberattacks – especially in government and education sectors where private information is abundant. But setting up an AppSec program isn’t as easy as checking boxes and installing a new scanning tool; it’s a journey that entails security-minded messaging from the to...
The Ransomware and Malware Conundrum Vi...
Electrosoft Services, Inc., in collaboration with Capitol Technology University, is hosting our “4th in the Series” of virtual, technology webinars on “The Ransomware and Malware Conundrum”. As part of our ongoing series, this two-hour summit will showcase government and industry thought leaders with focus on the growing Ransomware and Malware menace. Through our distinguished keynote speaker and industry-government pan...
2021 GovCon Accounting Summit
The GovCon Accounting Summit is a virtual learning experience for government contract accounting professionals. Join us for three days of educational sessions. You’ll have an opportunity to learn from industry leading accountants, attorneys, and consultants on a variety of government contract accounting topics and see some of the latest software tools in action during live demonstrations. Register by June 1st to take advantage of early-b...
Encoursa Webinar: The Benefits of Autom...
Small businesses often lack the financial resources to staff their accounting departments with the expertise necessary to fuel strategic growth. Companies need a unique skillset to achieve and maintain accounting compliance in government contracts and many local CPAs lack this expertise. That's where outsourced accounting and automated bookkeeping comes into play, especially for government contractors. Working with a firm that can configure th...
Discovering Your Retirement Path
Join Herb Casey to determine your next path and how to create an action plan. Transitioning to Retirement Branding/marketing yourself in retirement Exploring relocation in retirement Determining your retirement readiness using a checklist
Govology Webinar: The Benefits of Autom...
Small businesses often lack the financial resources to staff their accounting departments with the expertise necessary to fuel strategic growth. Companies need a unique skillset to achieve and maintain accounting compliance in government contracts and many local CPAs lack this expertise. That's where outsourced accounting and automated bookkeeping comes into play, especially for government contractors. Working with a firm that can configure th...
FBINAA 57th National Annual Training Co...
The FBINAA is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is dedicated to impacting communities by providing and promoting law enforcement leadership through training and networking. Designed around your professional development, educational and training needs, the Conference is the most education-packed conference the FBINAA has ever presented! Featured at the Conference: Keep up-to-date on 21st Century contemporary law enforcement tren...
Doing Business with Oak Ridge National...
Doing Business with Oak Ridge National Laboratory The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Small Business Programs Office focuses daily on small business outreach, counseling, support, and advocacy. This includes attending conferences and trade shows, one-on-one meetings with small businesses, and individual problem-solving. As a contractor to the Department of Energy (DOE), ORNL works to meet annual small business goals by subcontracting with small...
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