Using Records to Identify Root Causes o...
OVERVIEW Records are temporal and non-compliance occurs at a specific time. These can be compared to get clues of the root cause of the non-compliance. An out-of-compliance under GLP or ISO 17025 is a discreet and specific event. Its occurrence has major consequences for the laboratory operation. Can the incident and its timing give clues to that caused the non-compliance? Tracking down the cause of non-compliance can be a time-consuming and d...
Updating your Shareholder Partnership A...
OVERVIEW How long has it been that your partnership or group practice reviewed your agreement to ensure it reflects current trends and issues in the medical environment? The agreement the doctors signed many years ago may be vague, contain outdated values for buy-in/buy-outs or none at all, income distribution formulas may be sowing seeds of discontent or the group is suddenly faced with an untimely departure of a revenue producing doctor and...
Achieving Success and Compliance in the...
OVERVIEW Because pharmaceuticals directly affect millions of people’s health, industry manufacturers are very strict about ensuring the safety and quality of drugs at each level of the supply chain. These companies use fixed, regulator-certified suppliers of raw materials. Companies also store the raw and packaging materials in separate warehouses. After a company processes the raw materials, it makes the final drug at the manufacturing...
Onboarding New Hires: How to Get Them Q...
OVERVIEW You’ve made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what? If you’re like most good organizations, you’re doing something more. The Aberdeen Group reported that 70 percent of all organizations currently deploy some sort of onboarding program with leaders entering new roles. While this is a good thing, there...
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Rule
OVERVIEW Adjustable-rate mortgages, one of the main culprits of the housing crisis, are back in vogue. But banks say this time is different. Financial groups are sweetening terms to entice customers to take out these loans, known as ARMs, whose rates can jump after a few years. Some ARMs are cheaper, when compared with fixed-rate mortgages, than they have been in more than a decade. The tactics are reminiscent of the period before the 2008 cri...
Customer Service Begins in HR: How HR S...
OVERVIEW Human resources department representatives are typically an organization's first point of contact with applicants and new hires. For this reason, it’s the HR department that that sets the tone for how prospective employees view the company's culture from the very beginning of their interactions with the organization. From the company’s online recruitment presence throughout the entire talent acquisition and on boarding pro...
HIPAA privacy exceptions for law enforc...
OVERVIEW The basic provisions of privacy for protected health information are well known in HIPAA. Exceptions abound for various law enforcement purposes as applied to both the federal and state government and its law enforcement activities, including criminal and civil matters. Erase the uncertainty and doubt that exists when the health care practitioner is confronted with a police demand for information. What can you release? To whom? Do you...
Excel Top 10 Functions and how to use them
OVERVIEW Learning how to use efficiently use Excel is so critical in many of today’s office jobs. Many people know the basics of Excel. This webinar will show you how to use some of the advanced functions of Excel to really help get the most out of your data be more efficient, and get the information that you are looking for. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND This webinar is for someone who uses Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, and wants to be mo...
Multi-State Tax Issues for Payroll
OVERVIEW This payroll training will offer participants an understanding of the payroll tax and compliance implications of conducting business within a state. The webinar will also help determine which state(s) to withhold for when states that have reciprocal agreements or no state income tax are involved. There are significant compliance issues for employers when employees cross state lines in the course of employment. Frequently, multi-state...
Good Documentation Practices to Support...
OVERVIEW This webinar will leave you with the information needed to create and maintain good documentation that meets FDA compliance standards. You will learn about what must be done and what must not be done. In addition, you’ll learn about the various computer system validation deliverables and how to document them. FDA requires that all documentation related to GxP products (GMP, GLC, and GCP) be created and maintained in accordance w...
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