45 past events found
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6th Workshop on Power-Aware Computing a...
Join us in Broomfield, CO, for the 6th Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower '14). HotPower '14 will take place immediately before OSDI '14 on Sunday, October 5. HotPower provides a forum in which to present the latest research and to debate directions, challenges, and novel ideas about building energy-efficient computing systems. In addition, researchers coming from diverse fields such as computer architecture, systems and n...
October 5, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: Broomfield, CO
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2nd Workshop on Interactions of NVM/Fla...
Join us in Broomfield, CO, for the 2nd Workshop on Interactions of NVM/Flash with Operating Systems and Workloads (INFLOW '14). INFLOW '14 will take place on Sunday, October 5, immediately before OSDI '14. The goal of INFLOW '14 is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in systems, across the hardware/software stack, who are interested in the cross-cutting issues of NVM/Flash technologies, operating systems, and emerging workl...
October 5, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: Broomfield, CO
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USENIX Security Summit
The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks. The Symposium's technical sessions program will offer refereed papers, invited talks, and panel discussions, including: Wednesday's Keynote Address, "Phone Phreaks: What We Can Learn From the First Network Hackers?" from Phil Lapsley,...
August 20-22, 2014
Organizer: USENIX Association
Location: San Diego, CA
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2014 USENIX Summit on Health Informatio...
HealthTech, formerly HealthSec, is now in its second year with a broader scope designed to encourage the development of new technologies that generally improve the quality and safety of healthcare as well as the access to it. By bringing together researchers, practitioners, and industrial partners, HealthTech aims to provide a forum for cross-disciplinary interactions among the technology, medicine, and policy communities. The day-long summit...
August 19, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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2014 USENIX Summit on Hot Topics in Sec...
The 2014 USENIX Summit on Hot Topics in Security (HotSec '14) will be held on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, in conjunction with the 23nd USENIX Security Symposium in San Diego, CA. HotSec aims to bring together researchers across computer security disciplines to discuss the state of the art, with emphasis on future directions and emerging areas.
August 19, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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WOOT '14: Workshop on Offensive Technologies
Progress in the field of computer security is driven by a symbiotic relationship between our understandings of attack and of defense. The 8th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT ’14) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in systems security to present research advancing the understanding of attacks on operating systems, networks, and applications. The daylong program includes 17 refereed paper presentations on...
August 19, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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2014 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop
EVT/WOTE brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines, ranging from computer science and human-computer interaction experts through political scientists, legal experts, election administrators, and voting equipment vendors. Monday, August 18, 2014 8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Monday Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Monday Welcome Walter Mebane, University of Michigan, and Dan S. Wallach, Rice University 9:15 a.m....
August 18-19, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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7th Workshop on Cyber Security Experime...
CSET focuses on the science of cyber security evaluation, as well as experimentation, measurement, metrics, data, and simulations as those subjects relate to computer and network security and privacy. The day-long program includes: Paper presentations on exploit testing and quantitative security evaluation metrics Morning Panel Discussion on “Cybersecurity Experimentation of the Future” Closing Panel Discussion on “Human Enga...
August 18, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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4th USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Co...
FOCI '14 seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners working on means to study, detect, or circumvent practices that inhibit free and open communications on the Internet.
August 18, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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2014 USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games, an...
The USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games and Gamification in Security Education (3GSE '14), to be co-located with USENIX Security '14, is designed to bring together educators and game designers working in the growing field of digital games, non-digital games, pervasive games, gamification, contests, and competitions for computer security education. The summit will attempt to represent, through invited talks, panels, and demonstrations, a variety of...
August 18, 2014
Organizer: USENIX
Location: San Diego, CA
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