Navy Information Dominance Industry Day...
On March 7, 2012, AFCEA Intelligence and the Naval Intelligence Professionals, in collaboration with the Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance, will present the third in a series of classified forums examining the state of Information Dominance in the U.S. Navy.
TECHEXPO Top Secret Baltimore, MD
Explore new career opportunities this March! Bring many resumes and interview for the many opportunities available in cyber security, information technology, engineering, aerospace, telecom, project management, intelligence, operations, homeland security, research & more at TECHEXPO Top Secret's March hiring events! Wednesday, March 7th • 10am - 3pmBWI Marriott1743 West Nursery RoadBaltimore, MD 21090Directions Only: (410)859-8300Pre-...
Deciphering Deemed Exports Webinar
It is a routine event -- one which happens thousands of times a day across the United States. A foreign national begins work at a US company as an engineer, researcher or scientist. The location could be a technology firm in Santa Clara, a defense contractor in St. Louis or an aerospace company in Tampa, but the question is the same -- is an export control violation imminent? And let's not limit ourselves to employees. The same question may be...
Telemedicine and Video Conferencing – H...
This complimentary online webinar is provided on behalf of Netscout. Telemedicine is increasingly prevalent in today’s medical environment. Doctors are connecting with patients and other medical professionals via video conferencing over a variety of devices in order to improve patient care. However, this leaves IT organizations with a very distributed and increasingly complex IP-based voice and voice service environment. As IT organizati...
Border Security Expo
Largest Border Security Conference & Expo in the U.S. Has been held annaully for six years, Brings in local , state and federal law enforcment, Think Tanks, Academia and the military from over 30 states and four countries. Over 100 exhibitors with the latest state-of-the-art technolgy, product and service for border security applications from all over thglobe. Conference to include a series of briwefings from DHS.
Collaboration Skills for Environmental...
501: Collaboration Skills for Environmental Leaders Why take this training? To work more effectively and efficiently, governmental agencies and other stakeholders recognize the need to develop collaboration skills at all levels. This course examines the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors of highly effective individual collaborators and organizational and team leadership supporting collaborative efforts. Goals of this course include dev...
SPD Industry Social
MarCom Connections is hosting its monthly social network event at Clydes @ Chevy Chase. Join us for our Saint Patrick's Day Social where attendees of various industries come mingle in a casual atmosphere. There will be table topic cubes throughout the venue that is sure to inspire conversation. We will have invited guests from various industries and government agencies. Registration includes appetizers (served in the first hour of the event)....
How Strategic Sourcing’s Enterprise Sof...
This complimentary online webinar is provided on behalf of McAfee and Govplace. Learn how DHS saved more than $347 million in FY 2010 using Strategic Sourcing contracts during this live Webinar featuring Shantelle Coleman Branch Manager, DHS – Office of the CIO. Strategic Sourcing is about more than just bulk buys. By facilitating collaboration between industry and government, Strategic Sourcing BPAs create stronger, more transparent age...
Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012
The Homeland Security Finance Forum, now in its third year, is a unique opportunity for dynamic, high growth companies in the security market seeking capital, contemplating an acquisition, a recapitalization or another form of transaction to present their business to investors, institutional asset managers, family offices, investment banks and advisers active in the sector. Qualified investors include venture capital funds, private equity fund...
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