National Small Business Conference (NDI...
Your business is delivering the most innovative and superior equipment, training and support for our warfighters and first responders in support of National Security. To be successful in the future federal budget environment, we need to look at and learn from the past. The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), supported by the NDIA San Diego Chapter, is hosting the 8th National Small Business Conference at the San Diego Convention C...
June 7-8, 2011
NDIA Location:
San Diego, CA
New York State Cyber Security Conference
The 2011 Conference is co-sponsored by the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Cyber Security (OCS), the New York State Forum, Inc. and the University at Albany's School of Business and College of Computing and Information. OCS's experience with leading and coordinating New York State's cyber security efforts and the University's academic excellence in information assurance combine to make this a must-attend even...
2011 AFCEA National Intelligence Forum
Welcome to the 2011 AFCEA National Intelligence Forum For over 30 years, AFCEA Intelligence, backed by a strong partnership of government and industry supporters, has sponsored highly regarded classified symposia and conferences for intelligence professionals. Now the organization is bringing that same commitment and expertise to a new unclassified forum that will allow a broader audience to participate in a dialogue about how unclassified int...
Facilitation Fundamentals
301: Facilitation Fundamentals Why take this training? Many agencies now recognize the need to develop in-house facilitators to deal with many of their collaborative projects and environmental disputes. Becoming an effective facilitator requires experience with environmental conflict situations, skill in organizing, and artful management of group dynamics. This course is ideal for those responsible for planning projects, convening meetings, an...
Army Aviation Exhibition & Conference
Hear what PEO Aviation, HQDA G-3/5/7, AMRDEC, PEO IEW&S, DARPA, and others are doing to transform Army’s Fleet! IDGA’s Army Aviation Conference & Showcase is the premier forum for bringing together the leaders in Army Aviation with the most relevant experience, intriguing ideas, and feasible solutions to best support the warfighters at risk in theater. With the all-new conference and Showcase format, we can join more people...
June 6-8, 2011
IDGA Location:
Redstone Arsenal, AL
Prepare Your Network for IPv6 with Expe...
Two Ways to Participate: Watch the Live Broadcast Online Watch the event online as Cricket presents from Washington D.C. A lucky online viewer from each broadcast will be selected to win an iPad 2®! Join us online or in-person on June 7 as world IPv6 expert Cricket Liu, author of several books on DNS and IPv6, presents a variety of IPv6 topics, including: IPv6 basics Setting up forward- and reverse-mapping with AAAA and PTR records Running...
US Census Bureau IT Security Conference...
This annual event, hosted by the Information Technology Security Office, is intended to raise computer security awareness for Census employees and contractors. The Census Bureau's IT Security Conference and Expo will be held onsite at Census HQ and feature various speakers from the U.S. Census Bureau as well as other government agencies and industry. In the past, speakers have included the Chief of IT Security for Census, Associate Director fo...
Telework in a Box
Telework Exchange is hosting the complimentary Telework in a Box event on Wednesday, June 7, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. at The Atlanta Marriott Downtown in Atlanta, Georgia. Join government agency and industry professionals to discuss best practices in telework management and technology. Review Public Law 111-292, the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010, and discuss key considerations when establishing a telework program. Learn what i...
Lunch and Learn: Effective Strategies f...
Please join IBM and immixGroup for an educational briefing on Tivoli Endpoint Manager-built on BigFix technology. IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager combines endpoint and security management into a single solution that can enable your agency to see and manage physical and virtual endpoints-servers, desktops, roaming laptops, and specialized equipment. This briefing will discuss: Continuous Monitoring and Remediation - Learn how federal customers are...
June 7, 2011
immixGroup Location:
Arlington, VA
Cloudforce Essentials - New Features ...
If you’re an existing customer looking for new ways to make the most of Salesforce, then this is the event for you. Join for your chance to experience all the social, mobile, and open innovations driving success in the Cloud 2 world. Come network with leading sales professionals and learn best practices from other successful customers. Plus, get all your toughest questions answered by our experts. Agenda 12:...
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