The Role of Congress in Cybersecurity
Congress has established a National Office for Cybersecurity at the White House, now requires federal agencies to conduct independent audits of their information security programs, and has established new policies for agency acquisition and procurement. Two years ago, Congressman Mike McCaul co-founded the first-ever House Cyber Security Caucus to address these areas of oversight and inconsistency. Join Congressman McCaul in a moderated discus...
The PSC Annual Conference
Who should attend the conference? Chief executive officers and other senior-level executives will benefit from the expert-led panels and discussions and find great value in the program. Business development, finance, human resources, communications, and contracts professionals also will find the program valuable. How many people attend the conference? The conference gathers about 400 attendees each year, many of them c-suite executives. Topics...
October 3-5, 2010
PSC Location:
Farmington, PA
Virginia Municipal League 2010 Annual C...
Even though local government budgets are tight, the 2010 VML Annual Conference to be held Oct. 3-5 in Hampton is a must-attend event. Local government officials will find the two-and-a-half days of workshops, general sessions and roundtables invaluable as they chart courses for their communities in the wake of one of the worst recessions in history. This is the first time VML has held its conference in Hampton since the opening of the new Hamp...
NASEO 2010 Annual Meeting
The 2010 NASEO Annual Meeting will be held September 28 - October 1, 2010 at the Sheraton Boston Hotel in Boston, MA. The objective of the NASEO Annual Meeting is to provide an opportunity to state energy directors, technical energy staff officials, federal and regional energy officials and a wide variety of stakeholders to participate in informative sessions on numerous energy-related topics.
September 28 - October 1, 2010
NASEO Location:
Boston, MA
CIOs: Their New Role In Driving Agency...
The importance of IT in solving information-sharing and open-government issues is putting federal CIOs in the driver's seat at many agencies. With a new focus on data, cloud computing and information security, federal CIOs are increasingly given a major role in executing their agencies' missions.Join Allan Holmes, Executive Editor of Nextgov, and a panel of top federal CIOs as they explore how federal Chief Information Officers are impacting y...
INPUT Webinar - Federal Data Center Con...
Join INPUT principal analysts Angie Petty and Lauren Jones for a FREE webinar that provides a preview of the 2010 Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative report and insight to help federal contractors answer the question: “What is the current federal data center landscape and where are the IT opportunities related to data center consolidation?” Issues to be addressed during the webinar include: Trends and drivers in federal da...
September 30, 2010
INPUT Location:
Business Process Management for Governm...
Join us for this live webcast with featured speaker Thom Rubel of IDC Government Insights and Michael Rowley of Active Endpoints. Listen to their perspectives about the opportunities government agencies - federal, state and local - have to develop "smart applications" to improve service delivery and efficiency, and how a standards-based Business Process Management System (BPMS) can provide the technology to enable this kind of innovation. The...
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