INPUT Webinar: Technology Trends for Fi...
This webinar will examine the current state of the Justice and Public Safety (JPS) Technology Market. Drawing upon INPUT’s original research along with insights from other trusted sources, this webinar will cover JPS market drivers, with special attention paid to emerging technologies for first responders. The webinar will be presented by Justin Spratley, Analyst, Justice and Public Safety. What You Will Learn: Key market drivers and tre...
May 11, 2010
INPUT Location:
The Medical Technology, Training and Treatment Conference (MT3) showcases innovative healthcare technologies, advanced training and innovative treatments. The conference brings together civilian and military health care providers with industry and university technologists to highlight current and evolving medical discoveries and advancements in 21st Century medicine. MT3 focuses on leading-edge technology, academic trends that change the way h...
May 6-8, 2010
MT3 Location:
Orlando, FL
Computer Forensics for the Security Pra...
Accidental/intentional destruction of data, hardware failure or cyber attacks can happen at any time and you may be called upon to respond, investigate, document, handle, and escalate the analysis to a formal investigation. In this two day hands-on workshop, you'll consider when investigations are appropriate or warranted, and learn how and when to recover lost or deleted information from the Recycler Bin (Info2 file), Disk Directory/Master-Fi...
DISA Customer Partnership 2010
The annual DISA Customer Partnership Conference is the premier DoD IT conference bringing together military services, combatant commands, industry, senior decision-makers, and subject-matter experts, who openly communicate and share information that is critical to helping the DoD achieve mission success. The DISA Customer Partnership Conference Theme will be carried over to the AFCEA Technology Showcase (Exhibit Hall). If you are searching for...
May 3-7, 2010
AFCEA/DISA Location:
Nashville, TN
2010 IACIS BASIC Conference
Description: The two week BASIC program provides students with the foundation knowledge necessary to enter the IACIS Certified Computer Forensic Examiner process. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on practical exercises, and laboratory activities students will learn the underlying principals and skills of computer forensic examination, and learn how to apply these skills in practice. While previous computer knowledge is a plus, it is no...
April 26 - May 7, 2010
IACIS Location:
Maitland, FL
The Power to Purchase Technology Expo 2010
Power to Purchase brings DIR contracted technology vendors together with IT and purchasing staff from state agencies, local and county government, K-12 and higher education to raise awareness about our Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Cooperative Contracts program. ICT Co-op Contracts is a streamlined cooperative purchasing program for state and local government, public education, and other public entities within and outside the...
Washington Navy Yard
Washington Navy Yard will have its Spring One-Day Technology Exposition at the Catering and Conference Center from 9:30am to 1:30pm. The technology exposition is supported through the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) CIO’s office. The Expo will be promoted to all personnel at the Navy Yard. At the past spring exposition, attendees include the IT Manager, Procurement Manager, IA Security Analyst, IT Specialist and Engineers f...
Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and R...
Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting May 6, 2010 First Thursday Seminar #4 Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting provides an update on new greenhouse gas (GHG) regulatory requirements and guidance, as well as strategies, models, and technology tools to measure GHG emissions. Date: May 6, 2010 Time: 1:30 ET Length: 90 minutes Instructor: Dr. Rachael Jonassen; LMI FEMP Expert: Matt Gray; Sustainability, Greenhouse Gas Manag...
Monitoring and Performance Management f...
Monitoring and Performance Management for Modern Applications and Infrastructure As Federal, State, Local, and DoD organizations migrate thousands of critical custom web applications from physical to virtual environments, understanding the performance and health of those applications is critical to avoiding unplanned outages and ensuring high availability and high integrity. SpringSource, a division of VMware, can help government organization...
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