Electronic Warfare in a World Populated...
In the last decades, Electronic Warfare (EW) evolved from a simple clash between static systems to a highly complex combat framework with plenty of reconfigurable systems optimizing their tasks on the fly. Today, one can consider that the platforms, which interact with electromagnetic waves, and the EW environment, which works as the communication channel, are electronically static. In this scenario, reconfigurability is essentially performed...
MAS Office Hours
Every third Thursday of the month, the MAS PMO hosts a webinar dedicated to a specific topic of interest for our MAS Industry Partners. Topics are broken down and explained using plain language and real-world examples. This is your chance to engage directly with MASpolicy makers, program managers, and leaders from across GSA, live and in real-time. Bring your questions, because we will dedicate plenty of time to Q&A!
Texas IT Leadership Forum 2024
The IT Leadership Forum brings together current and emerging technology leaders with the industry partners that support them. This invitation-only event provides a space for leaders to collaborate while addressing the most important policy, management and leadership issues surrounding the future of digital government. Contact us if you’d like to join the conversation! This is an invitation-only event, open to Public Sector only. For more...
Energy, Infrastructure, and Environment...
In a world where geo-political pressures, market uncertainties, rising inflation, supply chain constraints, and unprecedented cybersecurity threats are intensifying, the quest for clean, reliable, and secure energy has never been more critical. These multifaceted challenges are having a global impact. This year’s Energy, Infrastructure, and Environment (EIE) Summit aims to address these pressing issues, spotlighting the collaborative eff...
GSA - Part 2 of 2 - Understanding the P...
You've decided to pursue the GSA Schedule, ... now what? This webinar will guide you through the compliance check of the mechanics. Jennifer Schaus will walk participants through the Administrative, Technical and Pricing sections of the GSA solicitation as well as best practices and avoiding pitfalls in proposal preparations and submission.
CISA Tabletop Exercise Package (CTEP) W...
PLEASE NOTE: There is no registration for this event. Event website link will open in Microsoft Teams - NOT THE MEETING. If you have any questions or would like the invite, please reach out to cisa.exercises@cisa.dhs.gov. In order to support our partners who wish to use the wide array of CTEPs available through CISA, which include such topics as active shooter, vehicle ramming Unmanned Aerials Systems, Cyber vectors, etc. CISA Exercises will b...
Appian Executive Forum
Attending Appian’s Live App Build offers government technology leaders a unique opportunity to witness and engage with cutting-edge technology solutions that directly address the pressing challenges faced by government agencies today. As we navigate an era marked by unprecedented change and demand for innovation, this interactive session will provide invaluable insights into how to seamlessly integrate AI into government operations. By p...
AI Use Cases: Where AI Works Well Acros...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used across the North American public sector to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and improve service delivery. This session will explore successful AI applications in government, focusing on where AI has proven its value. Attendees will learn about the challenges and opportunities that come with AI adoption and leave with practical insights for integrating AI into their own agencies.
Agentforce World Tour Seattle
Experience the groundbreaking AI innovation of Agentforce, coming right to you from the main stage of Dreamforce. Dive into 135+ sessions, 25+ demos, and 10+ trainings to get hands-on and build customized Agents perfect for your business needs. It's the biggest innovation from Dreamforce and for your business, live in NYC and all in one day.
November 21, 2024
Salesforce Location:
Seattle, WA
Fabric Analyst in a Day - Intellify Sol...
At Microsoft, we understand that today’s world is awash with data and customers are facing increasing data needs and analytics challenges. Accelerate time to value by enabling your Data Analysts to leverage Microsoft Fabric to break down data silos and unify disparate sources of data to create rich, powerful Power BI dashboards and reports – enabling you to scale analytics while reducing costs and optimizing existing data managemen...
November 21, 2024
Microsoft Location:
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