SAP Application Access Governance: Pursuing Zero Risk to Remain Secure, Compliant, and Audit Ready

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SAP has announced the end of maintenance for both SAP IDM and SAP AC 12.0 on December 31, 2027. For years, SAP IDM has been widely used to help businesses streamline the management and provisioning of SAP users, while SAP AC 12.0 has driven the identification of access control risks and alleviated the burden of manual provisioning and certifications.


With the cessation of support, Pathlock is helping customers not only find a replacement with Application Access Governance (AAG) to meet them where they are today in their governance processes, but also future-proofing with them to pursue a Zero Risk approach that builds for a more compliant tomorrow across their complete application landscape.


Utilizing a new, converged solution for identity management, automated access provisioning, SoD risk analysis, certifications and sensitive access management when paired with a robust implementation plan, organizations can achieve a smooth transition and adoption of all that AAG has to offer to replace both of SAP’s sunsetting products.


In this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • What end of maintenance for SAP IDM and SAP AC 12.0 means for them
  • The risks of failing to migrate to a new solution prior to the sunsetting of maintenance
  • How to build a realistic transition roadmap and key timing and phases to consider
  • How to assess vendors when choosing a solution that aligns with their organization’s objectives
  • How AAG can offer not only a one-to-one replacement for current SAP IDM and AC 12.0 capabilities, but how a singular platform for identity and access risk governance can enable a Zero
  • Risk approach by informing strategic decisions, optimizing resource allocation, and driving time and cost savings

Speaker and Presenter Information

Keri Bowman, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Pathlock

Relevant Government Agencies

Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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Pathlock Government Team at Carahsoft

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