14th Annual Tech, Cyber, & Tactical Expo at Creech AFB - DFAC

This event qualifies for * CPEs

The AFCEA Las Vegas Chapter President, and the AFCEA Las Vegas Chapter Board, invite you to participate in their annual Technology & Cybersecurity Expos scheduled to take place at Creech AFB and Nellis AFB.


Learn more about cybersecurity best-practices and remediation strategies. View and demo some of the latest cyber and information technology products/services available, and network with peers. All interest personnel from Creech AFB, Nellis AFB, and badged government employees are invited to attend one, or both events. There is no fee to attend for all .mil and .gov. 


Know Before You Go:

  • CPE Credit will be awarded for both events. (for visiting exhibits at Creech AFB and for speaker session at Nellis AFB).
  • Lunch will be provided on both days. 

Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, Army, Navy & Marine Corps, DOD & Military, Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government


Register as Attendee

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Wed, May 7, 2025, 10:30am - 1:30pm PT

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

Creech AFB - DFAC
1053 Perimeter Rd
Indian Springs, NV 89018
Get directions

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AFCEA Las Vegas

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