Successful Transformation to FedRAMP Cl...
Overview: Successful Transformation to FedRAMP Cloud Security is a one-day, in-depth, educational program for Government Executives, Managers, Program Managers and Staff & Industry Partners. This event is not a vender oriented conference, but a course that provides practical information for the Government and Industry on cloud security, the Federal Governments FedRAMP program and what agency leaders should be doing now. Potomac Forum is A...
VMware Government & Education Innovatio...
Drive mission-based outcomes for government and education in Texas VMware's Government & Education Innovation Summit is the premier education, training and networking event for IT and management professionals serving the state, local and education sectors in the State of Texas. Our unique program is tailored specifically to the interests of public sector organizations. During our 2015 event, attendees will hear from VMware experts on topic...
February 3, 2015
VMware Location:
Austin, TX
Webcasting Application and Production S...
Join us for a look at our proprietary webcasting system that includes a SaaS solution, our content management application, and specially developed production hardware. Clients use our feature-rich SaaS solution for: online training internal communications conferences and events We developed this system specifically for government use in 2007, when the Governor of New York State signed an Executive Order requiring all agencies and authorities i...
Cyber Training at the Cyberspace Sympos...
Training Monday, 2 February, 2015, 0800 to 1500 in the BroadMoor Hall Shifting the Defensive Cyber Paradigm Hunting a Cyber Adversary How "Smart" is your Building? What I Wish I Knew About Mobile Forensics You may only sign up for ONE class or event. You must have a valid Symposium Registration number to be eligible for class registration. Capture the Flag is open to all (no registration number required) For questions about training, please co...
Introduction to the Capital Programming Guide
This webinar is designed to provide the participant with a one-hour review of the newest version (v3.0) of the Capital Programming Guide (CPG). The Capital Programming Guide is a supplement to the OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission and Execution of the Budget. The most recent version of this guide included updates from July 2014. The 104-page Guide is distilled down into key Phases, knowledge and talking points to help orient or refres...
On-Boarding and Retaining New and Exper...
Overview: Hiring federal employees was never an easy process, and so it is especially frustrating to both line managers and HR offices when a new hire might leave after just a year or two. In today’s budget environment, with hard or soft hiring freezes, and early out and buyouts becoming ever more common, it is especially important that once a job offer has been accepted that the hiring manager be able to retain the new hire for a reason...
San Diego EAR Export Controls / ITAR De...
San Diego 2015 CLICK HERE FOR FULL SCHEDULE OF SEMINARS SEMINAR SERIES in SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA JANUARY 2015 Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Office of Foreign Assets Controls & Embargoes (OFAC) Explained - complete with the latest updates on Export Control Reform (ECR): This seminar series provides both novice and experienced export compliance professionals with an in-depth educ...
AGILE Development in Government Trainin...
AGILE Development in Government Training Workshop IV: Implementing and Managing Agile Development in Government: What Managers and Development Staff Need to Know -- A “How to” Workshop Discussing Best Practices and Lessons Learned Overview of the Workshop:Many federal agencies have begun adopting Agile principles and Lean methodologies with the goal of reducing risk and accelerating successful delivery of their IT investments. Acro...
DevOps and the Business of Government:...
Federal agencies have been charged with the use of agile technologies to jumpstart technology innovation with lower risk. From the health care systems to networks supporting war fighters in the field, agencies are looking to agile technology tools to curb costs while remaining responsive in the face of rapidly changing technology. The White House’s Office of Management and Budget recently kicked off compliance with this mandate with its...
January 28, 2015
Washington - The Right Way to Sell to t...
Some of the topics covered at the conference will be: Exploring your GSA Contract, how the buyers see it, how they search and how you are displayed to the buyers. We will view your competitors, what have they got that you don’t have, who is getting the sales and why. This segment will include viewing GSA Advantage, using Sales Queries on the Vendor Support Center site and learning how to use this information for marketing. What can you d...
January 27-28, 2015
Jeannie Merkle Location:
Airway Heights, WA
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