Federal Cloud Computing Summit
The Federal Cloud Computing Summit will be held on January 14-15, 2015 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center. This educational symposium will feature cloud computing thought leaders from government and academia discussing topics such as Cloud Strategy from the CXO Perspective; Navigating the Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap; Cloud Success Stories; and Cloud in 2020. In addition, Acting GSA FedRAMP Director Matt Goodrich will give a brie...
January 15, 2015
Fedsummits Location:
Washington, DC
Introduction to Performance Measures an...
This webinar is designed to provide the participant with a 1.5 hour overview of the current requirements for measuring performance and reporting it. The most recent version of this information and guidance included updates derived from the OMB Circular No. A-11 dated July 25, 2014 and it's companion supplement, the Capital Programming Guide. This webinar emphasizing knowledge and talking points to help orient or refresh project managers, progr...
DOE FEMP New Series! Renewable Energy T...
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) presents an updated series of training courses focused on Renewable Energy Technology Applications for federal sites. Renewable energy technologies can help Federal sites meet agency goals and legislative mandates, improve energy security, and reduce environmental impact while efficiently providing electricity, heating, cooling, and other applications. This course wil...
Government on the Edge: Putting Mobilit...
The Office of Management and Budget's Digital Government strategy charges agencies with enabling citizens and the growing mobile workforce to access high-quality digital government information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device. From the warfighter or law enforcement investigator in the field to the medical researcher or food inspector, mobile technology is being implemented across government to share and analyze information instant...
January 14, 2015
GEOINTeraction Tuesday
Held the second Tuesday of every other month, GEOINTeraction Tuesday is a casual networking event where you can develop new relationships, exchange ideas and discover business opportunities. Each event features a guest speaker from the Defense, Intelligence or Homeland Security Community who shares their views on current issues and answers audience questions. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to rsvp@usgif.org
January 13, 2015
USGIF Location:
Springfield, VA
AFCEA Washington, DC Monthly Luncheon
The AFCEA Washington, DC monthly luncheon series draws between 350-400 senior officers and IT professionals from across the Department of Defense, armed services, intelligence and civilian agencies to discuss topics of interest to the DOD IT community ranging from IT networks to mobility to cybersecurity to UAS/sensors. The goals of the event are to foster better joint warfighting communication, share best practices and lessons learned, and id...
GSA Schedule Hands-On Workshop - GMU PTAP
Join The George Mason University PTAP, Procurement Technical Assistance Center and Jennifer Scahus (Government Contracts Consultant) provide an intense GSA Schedule Hands-On Workshop. The workshop provides attendees with the assistance on the Administrative, the Technical and the Pricing sections of the GSA Schedule. The class will take place at the Mason Enterprise Center Incubator in Leesburg, VA. NOTE: Prerequisite is the GSA Webinar being...
DOE FEMP Series! Guiding Principles for...
Since 2006, your agency has been working to meet the Guiding Principles. By December 15, 2015 your agency must bring 15% of your building inventory into compliance. The Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program has created a series of 1-hour courses to help you meet compliance. Getting Started and Guiding Principle I - Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation, and Management Principles Guiding Principle II - Optimize Energy Perfo...
SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2014
You are invited to attend SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2014 (CDI), SANS is the one educational organization known for developing the cybersecurity skills most in need right now. SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2014 will feature courses in IT security, security management, IT audit, penetration testing, and computer forensics, including short courses that can be taken with a long course to enhance your training. Every course, evening talk, and s...
December 10-19, 2014
SANS Institute Location:
Washington, DC
Data Mining: Failure to Launch
How to Get Data Mining Off the Ground and Into OrbitA Free One-Hour Live, Interactive Web EventProduced by The Modeling Agency“Guidance & Results for the Data-Rich, Yet Information-Poor”Presented by TMA Senior Consulting Staffhttp://www.the-modeling-agency.com/data-mining-webinarWHAT'S COVEREDThe vast majority of BI professionals are excited about the prospects of data mining and predictive analytics, but are fully mystified ab...
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