Deltek University: Learn Proposal Manag...
Learn Proposal Management – How Government Contractors Create Winning Proposals This seminar will teach you how successful government contractors consistently win the programs they pursue. You’ll learn how your company can apply this proposal management process, create better proposals, and apply proven techniques to raise your win probability.
December 10, 2014
Deltek Location:
Herndon, VA
SBA - 104 GSA Compliance and Use for ag...
Contrary to a current myth, a GSA Schedule contract is not required by law or regulation to obtain a government contract, but it is an excellent sales tool to obtain government business by means of task or delivery orders. A GSA Schedule is a simplified process of acquiring commonly used commercial supplies and services. But obtaining a schedule contract is neither simple nor easy, and subjects the commercial contractor to numerous laws and re...
Don’t Be RWA’ed: Get Your Licensing Rig...
Don’t Be RWA’ed: Get Your Licensing Right the First Time Export control reform has altered the licensing landscape for all of us. With the transition of many items and related technical information from the ITAR to the EAR, items which previously required a license from the State Department may now require a license from the Department of Commerce. Or, you may need to alter the information you present in your State Department lice...
Cyber Series: How to Thwart the Governm...
Today’s organizations and federal agencies have to protect their sensitive data from their own – it’s a simple fact of IT life these days. Thorough cybersecurity plans naturally protect an agency's secret or sensitive information from outsiders, but it’s become all too obvious in recent years that federal cybersecurity efforts must also safeguard that vital data from trusted insiders. Through malicious action or neglige...
The CIO Agenda: Application Modernizati...
GAO projects that 75% of the Federal government’s IT budget is spent maintaining legacy IT systems. That’s $62 billion for software and hardware that is time-consuming to maintain and difficult to adapt to today’s demands for greater transparency and citizen access. Government agencies are looking for a more flexible and agile IT framework. Application modernization, shared services, OMB’s Cloud First mandate, mobility...
December 9, 2014
McLean, VA
TECHEXPO Top Secret Polygraph Only Hiri...
Don't miss your chance to interview for a new career and earn your market worth at these exclusive events. Bring many resumes and interview on-the-spot for the many opportunities available in cyber security, information technology, engineering, aerospace, telecom, project management, intelligence, operations, homeland security, research & more at TECHEXPO Top Secret Polygraph Only hiring events! Admission: An active TS/SCI with CI or Full...
Cybersecurity 2015: Beyond the Breach
With each new cybersecurity attack businesses lose millions, governments lose information and citizens lose trust. At the end of a year where these attacks regularly dominated headlines, what’s ahead for government affairs, security experts, academia and policy makers in 2015? Bloomberg Government is bringing the nation’s top decision-makers together for the year’s definitive conversation on Washington cybersecurity policy. J...
Opportunity On-Ramp: Simplified Acquisitions™
Opportunity On-Ramp: Simplified Acquisitions™Real-World Knowledge to Access Real-Time Government Contracting Opportunities How much of a difference would $250,000 in revenue mean to your company this year or even this quarter? How about $500,000 or maybe $1,000,000 in obligated dollars to your company from one or more federal or defense agencies for products or services you offer? During Fiscal Year 2014, 5,270 small business concerns ca...
GTRA SecureGOV Council Meeting
GTRA's SecureGOV Council Meeting Invitation-Only Executive Collaboration. GTRA is an executive retreat designed to facilitate a thought provoking exchange of best practices and strategies among federal IT’s elite. Features of this meeting include: • No Tradeshow Floor • Intimate: 150 – 200 executives for quality relationship building • 50% of time spent collaborating in roundtables w/ 5-10 executives • No ...
Government Contractors Holiday Soiree
Join us for the the opportunity to meet with Federal Agencies and network with over 200 government contractors NO Tickets at the Door Commercial Sponsorships are Available
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