GBTA National Travel Forum
Attend the GBTA National Travel Forum (NTF) , June 4 – 7 in Phoenix, AZ where you will be delivered a tool box of industry best practices that will immediately benefit your agency by lowering travel spend and drive transparency through data. Hear from GSA executives like Tim Burke and the best in corporate travel management on how to save your department 20% in travel spend. Corporations react quickly to changing economic, political, an...
Beyond Engagement: Key Strategies for G...
Beyond Engagement: Key Strategies for Government LeadersWednesday June 6, 2012 9:00–10:00 a.m. Pacific Time, 12:00–1:00 p.m. Eastern Time 4:00–5:00 p.m. GMT, 5:00–6:00 p.m. UK In agencies where employee work passion is high, people willingly exert discretionary effort. They talk positively about the organization to friends and family. They support their colleagues without it being a required part of their job. They are...
Enabling BYOD through Mobile Device Man...
With OMB and agency leadership pushing for quick implementation of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) strategies throughout the government, IT leaders must quickly develop strategies which combine technology, governance, and cultural transformation to ensure that BYOD adoption will take place without compromising network and data security. During this complimentary one hour webinar, MaaS360 by Fiberlink will share best Mobile Device Management (MDM)...
Management of Change Conference
Management of Change June 3-5, 2012 Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay,Cambridge, MD Register Today! ACT-IAC is pleased to present to our attendees a Management of Change focused on the “Coming Clouds of Change” just as it is titled. MOC 2012 is an education and training event that will deliver training based sessions and keynote discussions that look at varying aspects of security and mobility as they are impacted by the transition to...
June 3-5, 2012
ACT-IAC Location:
Cambridge, MD
Survey of EW and Cyber Applications Course
The increasing prevalence of wireless internet and telecommunication networks in the operational environment has created a wide range of opportunities and vulnerabilities when EW and Cyber tactics, techniques, and procedures are used synergistically. While EW and Cyber remain distinct mission areas, the convergence of wired and wireless apertures in global information systems necessitates a better understanding of both domains for effects deli...
Cloud Slam'12
Below is an outline of Cloud Slam'12 Tracks and Topics. Next Generation Cloud Platform (The Road to PaaS) Last year we observed a growing number of cloud platforms popping up on a surface, while existing platforms are maturing and undergoing dramatic change in recent months, including a focus on multi-language support, multi-cloud deployment capabilities and common developer services. This track will examine the transformation of platform serv...
May 30 - June 1, 2012
Cloudcor Location:
South San Francisco, CA
Interpreting Iranian Sanctions Provisio...
“Interpreting Iranian Sanctions Provisions: Connecting the new with the old” Webinar Webinar Instructor: Amanda DeBusk Wednesday, May 30 1:00 PM EDT U.S. concerns about Iran’s nuclear program have driven recent efforts to increase the sanctions placed on Iran. The comprehensive Iranian sanctions of 2010 were followed by new sanctions at the end of 2011. The February 5, 2012 Executive Order and February 27th implementing regul...
John P. Murtha Breakfast
Named in memoriam of the Honorable John P. Murtha, a 36-year veteran of the United States House of Representatives, this early morning event offers attendees a firsthand look at the inner workings of the U.S. defense industry. An influential member of Congress will present an update on the latest breaking news and what’s in store for the future. Showcase For Commerce is please to announce that the speaker for the John P. Murtha Breakfast...
AFCEA Bethesda May Breakfast: Making Ac...
Agile development is high on the CIO Council's list of priorities, driving improved technology outcomes through swift technology development cycles—but it's not just about development. Acquisition plays a key role in the process, as underlined in both the 25-Point Plan and the accelerated timelines of the Cloud First and Shared First initiatives. The acquisition process has always been critical to meeting the needs of the technology work...
Social Recruiting Strategies Conference...
The popularity and possibilities that social recruiting have brought to the profession have caused HR and recruiting pros to take notice. This three-day event offers expert insight into best practices, current trends, metrics, and statistics on today’s talent pool and how to effectively leverage social recruiting strategies to find the best candidates. The summit will offer one full day of workshops and two conference days full of intera...
May 22-24, 2012
GSMI Location:
Chicago, IL
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