The Cyber Threat Landscape: Mitigating...
The Cyber Threat Landscape: Mitigating Threats Inside and Outside of your Agency Did you know? The estimated annual cost of global cyber crime is $100 billion. There are over 1.5 million victims per day. 59% of ex-employees admitted to stealing proprietary data when leaving their previous job. US Navy sees 110,000 cyber attacks every hour - more than 30 every single second. Presented by FedInsider, WTOP, and Federal News Radio 1500 AM, this ed...
NDIA Mastering Business Development Workshop
The Mastering Business Development® Workshop is an educational and professional development program which focuses on the thinking, process and discipline required for professional Business Development. This 2-day workshop fosters participants' understanding of the core competencies required for success in the Business Development role. Business Development is primarily a relationship development and intelligence gathering process. Particip...
Deltek University: George Mason Univers...
Comprehensive Content Delivered by Experts Offered in partnership with George Mason University's Office of Continuing Professional Education, the Contracting with the Federal Government education series helps government contracting professionals ensure their business operations remain compliant with current federal standards. This comprehensive program includes five two-day seminars taught by instructors with strong backgrounds in government c...
December 11-12, 2013
Deltek Location:
Herndon, VA
Miami FL US Export Controls / Defense T...
US Export Controls / Defense Trade Controls MIAMI, Florida **includes FREE BONUS REFORM WORKSHOP! December 9-12, 2013 SEMINAR VENUE:Doubletree Ocean Point Resort17375 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL USA Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Explained: This seminar series provides both novice and experienced export compliance professionals with an in-depth education on regulations admini...
Military Healthcare West
Physical therapy and rehabilitation initiatives are some of the most pertinent topics for military medical professionals to explore. Given advancements in technology, armor, and medicine, less than 5% of soldiers die from wounds sustained in combat. This is an extraordinarily encouraging statistic, but it also means that the military healthcare system must care for an unprecedented number of wounded warriors. Operation Enduring Freedom, Operat...
December 9-12, 2013
IDGA Location:
San Diego, CA
Proposal Graphics Conceptualization and...
It is impossible to imagine modern sales and marketing without visual elements—and proposals are no different. Graphics serve as one of the most important proposal persuasion elements. Professional graphics artists are not the only ones who need to learn how to conceptualize and design persuasive proposal graphics. It also happens to be an indispensable skill for capture managers, proposal managers, and proposal writers. Desktop publishe...
Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation
Storm water regulations in Connecticut are constantly evolving - have your practices evolved with them? From recent litigation to changing permitting standards, failing to stay on top of current issues related to storm water regulation is risky. In this seminar, you will get answers to all your questions, such as: What new regulatory developments impact my practices? What changes are coming to Connecticut's storm water permitting program? Here...
DCAA Government Contractors Compliance...
Join us for a one day DCAA Government Contractors Compliance Seminar. Learn about: DCAA GOVERNMENT COST ACCOUNTING Accounting System Design Pre-Award Accounting System Survey Indirect Rate Pools Labor Tracking Issues Travel Regulations Unallowable Costs Voucher Audits, Interim/Final Contract Briefs DCAA AUDITS Provisional Billing Rates Incurred Cost Proposal Policies and Procedures Post Award Accounting System Labor Floor Checks Breakfast and...
A Practical Approach to Bringing Mobili...
Government agencies are struggling to adapt to the mobile revolution that is changing the lives of everyone. Nearly every day a new use for this technology is announced and new devices are released at nearly the same rate. Government agencies have no option but to adapt to this new world. However, government faces unique challenges that make implementing a mobile initiative extremely difficult. This live webinar will provide practical approach...
Cyber Resilience: Leveraging Real-Time...
Cyber Resilience: Leveraging Real-Time Analytics and Continuous Monitoring The administration underscored the importance of combating sophisticated or advanced cyber intruders by establishing FISMA priorities, #1 of which is continuous monitoring. The proposed federal IT budget for 2014 devotes more than $13 billion to cybersecurity programs, with $300 million in new funding for continuous monitoring as mandated by OMB and FISMA reporting requ...
December 11, 2013
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