Understanding Florida Public Contracts...
Learn about the latest issues impacting Florida procurement code. This topic provides a thorough understanding regarding the processes and implementation regulations involved in conducting business with the government. Contracting with government entities involves special procedures and rules that closely regulate the manner public funds are expended. Understanding these regulatory mandates can facilitate business success when participating in...
New York Employment Law Update
Gain a better understanding of the most pressing New York employment and labor issues. This topic will provide a practitioner with the most up-to-date information in the labor and employment area in New York State. New York State has some of the most stringent requirements in the United States when it comes to labor and employment law. In fact, New York State has criminalized many labor and employment violations. A practitioner must be aware o...
Nothing Stays the Same: New Challenges...
Gain a better understanding of hottest issues in Wisconsin employment law. During the last several years, there have been a flurry of developments and changes to laws that impact Wisconsin employers. This topic will help employers navigate these changes in four key areas. First, a discussion on the recent and proposed changes to state and federal wage and hour laws, including changes to the exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Next,...
RCLLG Annual Meeting with special prese...
How Orientalism Within the Media Enables Endless War by Mnar Muhawesh, Editor, Mint Press News Join us for a special presentation on how the media manipulates conflict narratives to drive public support for war. Listen to how these stories relate to a native Minnesota journalist who is breaking barriers and building bridges. RCLLG Annual MeetingDecember 3, 20155:30 pmDinner and Social Hour6:30 pm Annual Meeting & Recognition7:00 pmSpecial...
Understanding New Jersey Public Contrac...
This topic is designed to provide an overview of the requirements for vendors and contractors to bid on state and municipal jobs; how bids are evaluated; how to protest if your bid is rejected; and what contract terms will be included in a construction contract with a public owner. The latest developments in statutes and case law will be covered so that the practitioner will be up to speed to make strategic decisions and avoid minefields in pu...
GASB 34: Financial Reporting Requiremen...
Gain new insights with a comprehensive overview of government financial reporting from beginning to end. Recent financial difficulties of state and local government finances, highlighted by some noteworthy bankruptcy filings, have prompted increased attention on governmental financial statements. The financial statements of these governments and governmental entities can be very confusing, even for the experienced accountant. This live webinar...
Roundabouts: Planning, Design and Poten...
Learn and understand the principles of safety behind the modern roundabout as well as specific design practices with simple and complex issues. Although roundabouts have proven safety and operational benefits, proper planning and engineering design is essential for roundabouts to function correctly. This live webinar is your opportunity to better understand modern roundabouts and their installation, learn specific design skills and current pra...
ITS in Tertiary Education
Whole of business approach to enhance IT service capability With tertiary education moving towards a global service environment, the importance of ITS capability is reaching unparalleled levels. All the core business functions of an institution rely on the support of ITS to deliver strategic and operational support, with the long term aim of delivering more complicated and innovative service capability. Enhance your conference experience with:...
New USEPA Definition of Waters of the U...
Learn about the Categories of Waters, Exclusions, Definitions and Terms Under the Waters of the United States Rule. The land use development process requires the identification of Federal jurisdictional waters and wetlands on a project site or along a project corridor. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recently published a new and revised definition of "Waters of the United States" found at 40 CFR Part 230 on June 29, 2015, effe...
Storm Water Best Management Practices I...
Make sure you are up to speed on the regulatory requirements of your storm water maintenance program. Thousands of storm water BMPs have been built and most NPDES MS4 permits require that they be maintained. In addition, storm water BMPs protect lives and our water resources by controlling runoff, reducing flood risk and pollution, and protecting streams from pollution. Therefore, these valuable facilities need to be maintained so that they co...
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