NPDES Stormwater Permitting and Stormwa...
Learn best practices and tips and tricks for NPDES permitting and SWPPP guidance. Nationwide, storm water is a leading source of water pollution. Contaminated storm water runoff harms drinking water supplies, hinders swimming and fishing, and negatively impacts ecosystems. Cities, states and the EPA are placing an increased emphasis on managing storm water discharges from industrial facilities, construction sites and municipalities to reduce p...
Endangered Species Act Update
Make sure that you are up-to-date on the latest issues with the Endangered Species Act. The federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) is one of the most important, powerful and far-reaching of our modern environmental laws. Early identification, analysis and resolution of ESA issues is a key part in any environmental practice. In the development context, ESA issues are often a key component in determining whether, when or how a development project...
HUD Section 3: Compliance Tips for Gove...
Gain an understanding of HUD Section 3 regulations and challenges to avoid penalties, suspension, or worse. Many recipients including attorneys, developers, contractors, city managers, superintendents, mayors, city administrators, county and municipal officials, public relations directors, and other government professionals of HUD funding who are required to comply with Section 3 requirements fail to document their efforts to hire low and very...
How "Open" are Open Meetings Laws?
Save yourself and your organization from disciplinary action. Gain a complete understanding of open meeting laws. Open meetings laws are designed to ensure that the actions and deliberations in the operation of public business are conducted openly. Yet there are times when the government best protects the interests of the public and personal information of individuals by meeting outside of the public eye. Although the principle of open meeting...
When The Military Comes Home: USERRA, V...
Don't let your company become a liability; understand the employee's rights and employer's responsibilities on military leave. As a result of the continuing global war on terrorism, employers are faced with an unprecedented level of impact of military service on the workplace. What must an employer do when an employee gets orders to be activated? Do you have to hold the job open? What if it's an employee's family member with the orders - what...
Current Issues On Bidding, Contracting...
Discover how to navigate the minefields of California procurement code and public contracting with ease. This topic is designed to provide persons working in public works construction with a review of new developments in procurement, a review and refresher on common bid protest issues, and a discussion of new developments and major claim and risk issues that arise on many public projects. We will review changes in recent years that have expand...
Hot Employment Laws Affecting New Jerse...
Gain a better understanding of the top employment law issues facing organizations in New Jersey. Employment laws are a constantly moving target as new legislative initiatives gain momentum, agencies shift enforcement priorities, and courts issue decisions changing the status quo. Human Resources professionals and in-house counsel will benefit from a candid discussion of the very latest changes to employment laws affecting New Jersey employers....
Illinois Employment Law Update
Learn about the top Illinois employment law issues impacting your organization today. This topic will provide valuable insight in order to better manage and take control over difficult employment and labor issues impacting their Illinois operations. In addition to substantive law topics such as new pregnancy protections, criminal history inquiries, wage and hour updates, unfair competition developments and medical marijuana laws, critically vi...
Ohio Employment Law Update
Gain a better understanding of the unique Ohio employment laws and keep your company compliant. Many employers are not as knowledgeable of unique Ohio employment laws as they are about federal employment laws. This can lead to unpleasant surprises when a lawsuit is filed asserting claims which arise under Ohio law or when the employer attempts to assert rights which do not exist or are limited under Ohio law. This topic will focus exclusively...
Recent Development with the Clean Water Act
Learn what you need to know to be in compliance and avoid costly mistakes and delays. Most business operations, and most property development projects, require permits for water pollution prevention from federal or state environmental agencies, and often from local land use and sewer authorities. Although many consulting resources exist to help manage the Clean Water aspects of business activities and new projects the rapid and sometimes exten...
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