Military-Friendly Virtual Job Fair
This Corporate Gray Virtual Military-Friendly Job Fair provides military-experienced job seekers the opportunity to meet with employers nationwide via text chat and video interviews. Virtual Job Fair hours are 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM (ET). This event is especially for transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses. Civilian job seekers welcome. All job seekers are required to pre-register and upload their resume to participate in th...
Delivering Your Products/Services, Stay...
Delivering Your Products/Services, Staying In Compliance And Getting Paid In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager profession...
Win Government Contracts
WIN GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS REGISTRATION LINK March 20th: Come learn how to win government contracts with us. Join GovAssociation and GovGenie each week in our live-streaming coaching sessions where we address real-world scenarios about strategies and techniques to win more government contracts. If you want to build wealth in the government market, if you’re looking to get an edge on your competitor...
Pricing, Cost Estimates, Research Compe...
Pricing, Cost Estimates, Research Competitors-To Make Your Proposals Stand Out In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE This week’s lab is set up to help you understand the pricing component of the proposal process. We’ll review some pricing templates and benchmarks after your competitors’ pricing. This is part one of a two-part proposal lab series. LAB TOPIC: Benchmarking after you...
Government Contracting: Luck Or Strategy
Government Contracting: Luck Or Strategy REGISTER HERE If you own a business that you want to expand from the commercial market to the government market, then this training session is for you. The government is the largest customer in the world and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your business by working with Uncle Sam. When: Wednesday, Marc...
INTERFACE Portland 2024
Welcome to INTERFACE Portland 2024! IT Infrastructure is constantly changing, bringing new challenges every day. From ransomware and the latest security threats to the need for increased bandwidth and storage, it’s nearly impossible to keep up to date. Our conference is designed to help. We’ve assembled a combination of Best-in-Breed hardware and software solutions, along with local experts and organizations, to help educate, advis...
Learn The Importance Of Certifications...
Learn The Importance Of Certifications And Small Business Programs In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE Join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals. Certifi...
From Awareness To Action In 4 Stages
Based on a decade of experience working with governments, Granicus has identified four critical communication stages that best enable government to communicate with customers to ensure successful government service delivery and mission success. Register now for a webinar series where Charlotte Lee and her team of CX & communications experts will explain how a strategic, multi-channel approach to the way government interacts with the public...
Developing The Technical Proposal In Go...
Developing The Technical Proposal In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals. CLASS TIME: Every Thursday evening f...
2024 DoD Global Information Conference
The Department of Defense is sponsoring the 2024 DoD Global Information Conference. This will be an annual conference for leaders and other professionals from within the Operations in the Information Environment (OIE) community, to provide a unique opportunity for experts from across the U.S. combatant commands, military departments, OSD components, industry, academia, government, allies, and partner nations to find common cause and promote th...
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