Regulation of Billboards in the Digital Age
This live webinar will discuss the evolution of billboard regulation from Lady Bird Johnson's Highway Beautification Act through the current controversy concerning the nationwide proliferation of high intensity Commercial Electric Variable Message Signs better known as digital billboards (DBB) from rural Pennsylvania where there are three digital billboards in a one mile stretch of country road, to Chicago which approved 30 DBB for $15,000,000...
EPA's Rules on Compensatory Mitigation...
Most impacts to wetlands, stream and other waters (i.e., aquatic resources) occurring from development activities, like a road crossing or construction of a utility corridor, require permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Typically impacts greater than 0.1 acres in size require mitigation to compensate for authorized impacts. After advancing mitigation guidance for several decades in their regulatory programs, the USACE and U.S...
Section 6409(a)/47 U.S.C. § 1455(a): Ne...
This live audio conference will describe Section 6409(a) of the 2012 Middle Class Tax Relief Act, 47 U.S.C. § 1455(a), which relaxes state and local approvals for cell tower collocations and other wireless tower modifications. We will describe the many legal and technical issues under this new statute, including what towers are covered, what modifications are covered and which of the many state and local laws (zoning, codes, environmental...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Delve into the ins and outs of public records and open meetings laws. Find out what Ohio law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent developments in the interpre...
Tax-Exempt Financing for Nonprofits
This live audio conference will focus on when and how a nonprofit entity should consider tax-exempt financing. You will learn the types of financings available in the tax-exempt market, including what your institution and governing board should consider in making a good borrowing decision. You will learn the mechanics of tax-exempt financing and the common legal and securities law issues to consider from attorneys with more than 40 years combi...
Legal Traps of Internet Activities for...
The Internet has changed the manner in which nonprofit organizations conduct their charitable and exempt activities, and has provided opportunities for growth and outreach. The use of the Internet by nonprofit organizations also raises issues for these organizations. This live audio conference helps those persons responsible for tax compliance to understand these issues. These specific issues have taken on additional importance as Congress and...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Eliminate problems upfront by adhering to Pennsylvania's open records laws. Find out what Pennsylvania law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of the state's Right to Know Law. Join your peers and our panel of leading professionals as they update you on the interpretation of t...
Best Practices for an Effective Code En...
In a time of reduced budgets and increased blight it has never been more important for code enforcement management and field personnel to work effectively and efficiently. As those that manage or work closely with code enforcement understand, the variety of activities under their responsibility can help prevent properties from remaining vacant, keep neighborhoods livable, and even catalyze revitalization. While it's true that governments feel...
Form 990
Skillfully maneuver through federal and state regulations - know the ins and outs of Form 990. Form 990 has been around for more than 50 years. Starting out as a simple two page form, it has now evolved into 12 pages, accompanied by a 99 page instruction booklet. Our experienced panel of local professionals will walk through Form 900 and answer your most pressing questions about Maryland regulations. Even if you have an accountant prepare your...
Nonprofit Accounting for Contributions...
In this day and age, it is essential for nonprofit professionals to have a basic understanding of accounting as it relates to contributions and pledges. The knowledge gained from this program will help you to account for every dime taken in, and to report accurately and completely on how each dollar is used. By preserving the financial integrity of your organization, you will earn the trust of your supporters. This live audio conference will p...
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