Document Retention and Destruction Poli...
Most nonprofit organizations are aware of their responsibility to retain important documents, but document retention obligations go beyond board minutes, resolutions, and governance documents. Federal laws, regulations, and ethics rules impose obligations on organizations and counsel to retain documents in certain instances, and prevent them from being destroyed or altered in others. Failure to comply with some of these rules can result in cri...
Hidden Infrastructure Development and M...
Many individuals associated with underground construction do not know information on the accuracy of existing underground utilities and structures. This live audio conference helps the persons responsible for paying, financing, designing and building a project that involves underground construction cost effectively manage the risk. This live audio conference also explains the methodology required for finding and analyzing underground infrastru...
CEQA: California Environmental Quality Act
Master the CEQA process to maximize the usefulness of your CEQA documents and minimize litigation risk. The California Environmental Quality Act is the cornerstone of the state's environmental protection laws. This seminar will examine CEQA guidelines regarding the process and address key environmental issues. Developing strategies for surviving potential litigation is an important aspect of preparing sound CEQA documents. You will learn to av...
Introduction to Financing with New Mark...
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program is a powerful source of financing to help bridge funding gaps for development projects and operating businesses in low-income and rural communities. Come learn the nuts and bolts of the program from both the business and legal perspectives. We will give you an overview of the program and practical steps on how to reach out to the various parties to put a deal together. In the second part of the program...
Coordinating Emergency Response When Di...
Despite over 50 years of emergency management experience, many jurisdictions are still unsure if their plans are adequate to deal with disaster. This is largely a result of focusing on the development of plans that address various phases of response rather building overall organizational resilience. This live audio conference considers emergency response in the context of a jurisdiction-wide emergency management program and demonstrates the li...
Protect your organization - know the ins and outs of SEQRA. Join us for this seminar and get practical information about a complex area of the law presented by an extremely knowledgeable faculty in an interactive format. Get a handle on complicated issues surrounding SEQRA strategies. Avoid problems down the road by protecting yourself and your company - find out exactly what the critical issues are and how to best handle them. You will gain t...
Current Issues in Cell Tower Leases and...
The wireless industry has built more than 250,000 cell sites in the United States in the past 20 years. But many more cell sites are needed as iPhones®, iPads®, Droids and the like strain existing network capacity. New cell sites and significant modifications to existing cell sites will also be needed to meet the government's goal of using wireless to increase broadband speeds and coverage. At the same time, 'tower management' companie...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Uncertain how public records and open meetings laws apply to you? Find out what Arizona law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent developments in the interpretation of the...
Current Employment Issues for Nonprofits
Nonprofit employers are presented with compliance requirements keyed to their tax exempt status. This is notably true with respect to executive compensation and perks and volunteers and interns. Nonprofit employers also must parse out whether they are covered by new statutes, such as the Affordable Care Act, or affected by trends and new rulings, such as the explosion of use of social media. In this live audio conference, you will learn how to...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Uncertain how public records and open meetings laws apply to you? Find out what Oregon law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you'll get updates on recent developments in the interpretati...
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