Military Helicopter Asia 2011
Strategies for the Upgrade and Modernisation of Asian Rotorcraft Platforms and Systems Military Helicopter Asia- Event Rationale: Changing requirements of regional defence forces have led to developments in the Asian helicopter market. Whilst attack capabilities still remain the core interest of most Asian militaries, budgetary and current operational needs have led to platform and payload upgrades. With Asia undergoing rapid modernisation, th...
May 30-31, 2011
Defence IQ Location:
Singapore, SG
Homeland Security Summit India
Eliminating acts of terror and increasing stability across India India is confident to be a key player in the global homeland security market by 2020. The Homeland Security budget for both Central and State government for this year alone has been increased by 35% to US $28.34 billion. The projections for the next 5 years are anticipated to be several folds more. India has extensive borders of land running across 17 states and a vast coastline...
May 30-31, 2011
Defence IQ Location:
Janpath, IN
Federal Contractors Roundtable - Tysons...
The Federal Contractors Roundtable provides a highly-relevant forum where business leaders and industry professionals can discuss current and upcoming legislative, agency-specific policy and regulatory changes impacting how they find and win government sector business. This Month's Topic: Getting the Meeting - Who, Why and What Works? You can spend every waking moment going to meeting after meeting without netting tangible results. Who are the...
Seven Secrets When Managing Network Cha...
For network managers, virtually every action that happens or doesn’t happen on your network, can be a threat to your state of compliance. Whether you’re dealing with PCI, HIPAA, SOX, FERC, NERC or others, find out the “Seven Dirty Little Secrets of Network Compliance Management” at our webinar on Thursday May 26th. Choose between two 30 minute live online sessions at 10 AM ET or 4 PM ET. Discover 7 secrets on: • Ho...
TechNet Europe 2011
"Cloud Computing and its use in the Defence Environment" A symposium to examine the approaches that nations are taking to integrate the use of cloud computing into the defence environment and the challenges that arise, with special reference to security. There is an acceleration of cloud computing and cloud services among enterprises and an explosion of supply-side activity as technology providers manoeuvre to exploit the growing commercial op...
National Reconnaissance Office "Going G...
As part of their Earth Day celebration, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is pleased to host their first ever "Going Green" Expo. In an effort to support the area that "green technology" encompasses, NRO wants to support companies that have demonstrated a continuously evolving group of methods and materials to promote a healthier environment.The present expectation is that green technology will bring innovation and changes in daily lif...
Maximizing Your Time as a Small Business
How to Manage Growth Under Federal Revenue Thresholds and Structure Your Business for Strategic Growth As your company becomes more successful, you run the risk of outgrowing your small business size standard(s) before you are ready to compete with large businesses. This informative seminar will provide you some tips on how to protect one of your most important assets – your small business status. Learn how forming joint ventures, restr...
North Central Regional Certification Mo...
The North Central Regional Certification invites you as our guest to participate in our Monthly Certification Workshop The FREE workshop consists of a two-part session. The first part will provide Disadvantaged/Minority/Women Business Enterprises an orientation of the certification process. There will also be on-site certification assistance in completing your certification application, should you need assistance or consultation. The second p...
May 26, 2011
NCTRCA Location:
Irving, TX
GlueCon 2011
As the "cloud" becomes a common platform, web applications still live in a "stovepipe" world. It's not a question of "should we move to the cloud?" It's a question of once some, or most, or all of our web applications live in the cloud, how do we handle the problems of scalability, security, identity, storage, integration and interoperability? What was the problem of "enterprise application integration" in the late 90s, is now the cambrian exp...
May 25-26, 2011 Location:
Broomfield, CO
Short Range and Tactical UAVs
Providing timely and responsive ISR support where it is needed most Mini, micro and tactical UAVs make up over 40% of the unmanned vehicles currently in service with armed forces around the world today. These systems fulfil a vital requirement, providing units with an organic, flexible ISR capability that can stream live video to the individuals on the front line who need it the most. However, tradeoffs inevitably exist in miniaturising system...
May 24-26, 2011
Defence IQ Location:
London, GB
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